
What happened here

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we’re back baby!

saudis injected oil into their economy

Idiots realized you can't cut off Russia's trade of commodities without blowing up your own country.

didn't they put a freeze on it?

Zelensky gave up on NATO?

mail in ballots

gee those heckin' sanctions sure are effective

They are free of juden taxs and globohomo.

>2 weeks
are over, nothings happening

I guess they're winning.

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Yeah, turns out if you want to buy Russian oil now, you now need to buy rubles.



all the dip buyers' letters arrived at the exchange

globalists can't destroy one country because muh global economy. also moving currency to buy low sell high the rothschild sure thing



RU central bank intervention. They're burning through their hard assets to support the soft rouble. Retarded and just delaying the inevitable. The economy is toast and they're about to default any moment.
Meanwhile RU shills
>muh rouble recovering.
It's over, unironically.

1 Ruble = 1 Ruble
ignore international banks

Bitcoin just pumped 10% as well


As I said a week ago:
>If we had just stayed out of it maybe.
But look what happened. The ENTIRETY of western media just spent the last week absolutely demonizing russia, putin, and russians. There are now russians getting shit in places like oregon, because they happen to own russian stores. We have the redditors geared up for war and salivating for it. We have shown that all we can do is sanction, that the administration is totally inept and was caught off guard by this and thought it was a good idea to share intel on russia with china, and then 2 more times after china gave the 1st set of intel to russia.

>The world has picked sides.
>Here's what matters.

>Everyone who thinks putin is evil russia bad etc
>The energy producing Gulf States


>Now if you had to play against those odds, and you were playing for keeps, and you armed nukes just for fun to see what the response would be and the response was "we're gonna probably start considering maybe some more sanctions"... what would your move be?

Like I said, the ONLY thing that matters was which side did the energy producing countries take? They didn't do anything to russia and therefore russia was never ever actually threatened. The west has destroyed itself over a civil war border dispute between the 28th most corrupt country and the 25th most corrupt country.

globohomo bros...

That happens all the time, but still true

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nah faggot, they are allowed to pay coupon in ruble, and can just print more of it to pay
impossible to default in their own currency
>but switch to ruble is a default
tough titty

What happened is profit

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It's called N-Flation. It's when the media demonizes a business leader and the perceived value of the product falls, only to rebound after the initial outrage subsides. the term was coined by the great Anthony Cumia when he profited off the Nigger Guy Papa John

checked and they tied the ruble to gold

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Smart fyckers buy the dip

There are new top fishes in russia right now


Putin made a call to UAE

You have to be a real country to post here