Pentagon says Poland's idea is terrible - no jets

This was probably never going to happen. No jets for Zelensky, ever.\_c86301db25f27be62c9af3c6d7e3e94c

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ukraine doesn't need jets bc they have ghosts of queevs

it's unreal how bumbling the Biden administration seems right now. He should be crushing this and reaping the post STOU poll bounce on strong leader vibes...but it's the other way.

>that asian low verbal IQ cringe that doesn't even make sense
You've been here all day bro, viewing the catalog by creation, How much did you fuck up to need the social credit this badly?

He is a fucking monkey not a bug person you faggot..learn to be accurately racist or go back to discord you tranny larp

Why? The deal is sweet for USA. Free planes and money.
Poland gives mig29 jets for free if pentagon decides to sell F16 to Poland. It's not exchange, Poland will actually buy and pay for F16 and in addition to that money USA gets planes Ukraine asked for.

Everyone wins. USA gets specific planes they need, and they get money from F16 deal. Poland buys F16 and they are happy.
USA and NATO can do whatever they want with the Mig29 jets. Poland is no longer in control over them.

>departing from a U.S./NATO base in Germany to fly into airspace that is contested with Russia over Ukraine
I guess not - maybe they can move them by a tractor to the Ukrainian air-base, then take off from there?

>nigger memeflag
>not knowing about all the chinx in Brazil
oh Zhou!

This is a European problem though.

Because whoever delivers the planes is the one that gets nuked. You're going to have to take this one for the team if you really want it.

...or get them even closer to Ukraine and have some Ukrainians come pick them up.

Well then Poland can't pass these planes to Ukraine because they are 1/4 of our already small Air Force fleet.

Just buy more bro :)

This is honestly terrifying. It means nobody is in charge or running things.

That's the only way you fuck up spook shit like this.

>is the one that gets nuked
how many Russian nukes would even go boom at this point?

>muh military industrial complex!!!
Imagine being that cucked

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Half the world is already on the same page. It just reflects poorly on the current admin and their state department if they show once again that they can't live up to the expectations of our military allies.

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Your people don't want to sell. We really want to buy more. If your people sell us more then we will give these Mig29 for free. We will even remove marks and repaint then and land in your base. We will basically deliver them right to your feet and hand over keys, if planes have locks like cars do.

Бaйдeн peшил Укpaинy cдaть
A Хyйлo нe cмoг взять

I don't know I don't even believe nukes, as we know them, are real. At most they would be like the atomic bombs from WW2 which, again, I don't believe were real at the time.

US greenlit sending jets by Poland to get Poland into the war just like they caused the war in Ukraine. They admitted that by not wanting to send the jets themselves. They may have actually succeeded in getting Poland into the war by clearly communicating that they will throw Poland under the bus just to get them fighting with Russia. That only depends on there being any doubt regarding if anyone in NATO would defend Poland. To any sane person it was already clear they wouldn't under any circumstances.

Thans Poland this will never be forgotten
Cos Blinken hates slavs

This was the absolute best "fuck you" from Poland after the US planted a story that the US was sending planes to Poland so they can be given to Ukraine

congrats on being a dummy then i guess. nuclear bombs aren't hard to believe in if you understand how they work, and it's not even super complicated.


Gotta love this moment of cowardness in the US - NATO alliance