Central Park burning

Attached: 1646770307051.png (1174x1188, 878.15K)

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first responder distraction?

It's called winter, retard. The leaves will grow back.

fucking moron some one set it on fire fucking dumbass.

>winter is when things burn

Based homeless arsonist.

How do you think snow retracts back to being the wind? This is the basics of Captain Planet Lore!

not my problem

Did somebody set these on fire you retard?

Where is the proof of a fire besides there not being any leaves on the trees. Once again, it's winter - leaves die.

Attached: Kazanka.winter.in.the.forest.jpg (2048x1536, 1.27M)

Russia has activated its sleeper cells.

Not even kidding.

Attached: CharlesBronson.jpg (1200x900, 115.62K)

fuck leftist cities

fucking news asshole, unless your just to fucking stupid to read.



Nice the FUCKING SAME pics of central park where there are no flames or burnt trees just DEAD trees. Burnt trees look like pic related. You're so fucking dense.

Attached: 97b477ef-8ff0-4fcd-9709-56181dadb987-large16x9_AP21153738742091.jpg (1050x591, 201.55K)

>TFW when then greenies who want to take your car away to "save the enviroment" start burning down the environment.

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>where is there proof
Uh the smoke coming from the park?
And nobody is saying there aren’t leaves there because of the fire. I don’t know what you’re on about

>first responder distraction?

Hunter Biden gave away free crack for some reason..Something about Ukrainian oil LOL

Attached: 1646641712749.jpg (1280x720, 575.29K)

>No my problem

whatever fucking retard some se the park on fire the fire department is putting it out. you just dumber than shit.

this is a bad psyop or maybe slide to the real happening of bio labs in NYC subway stores put there by king bidens hanch men

Attached: JewsSerpent3.jpg (430x391, 32.5K)

More like Central Spark

I think he thinks the picture in that article is claiming those trees don’t have leaves due to the fire? Which nobody is saying that lol

> Smoke signal from the highest hill in Babylon
> date today: Aces and Eights (March = 1st month)
> Ides in exactly a week
t. Can tell there is a chatter, cannot distinguish the subject matter.
I want to unironically improve my seeing ears.

its your country shithead

Hope it burns down fucking nuke that shit city.

>NYC Burns

lol wut?

HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA Smoke in NEW YORK CITY?!?!?!?!!? Call the fire department on every fucking factory then dumbass.

Must smell like your mum

>the fire rises

The poor birds.

You know there’s a distinct difference between smoke coming from a factory and smoke from a fire, show me where there’s a factory in the middle of Central Park lol. Are you just purposely being obtuse?


Are you saying there's no food vendors, heaters, or any chance of steam beyond "here's a crazy fire with no flames visible" come on. I can smell a bullshit story from a mile away.