Well Any Forums? Are you concerned with how people in public view you and your shenanigans?

Well Any Forums? Are you concerned with how people in public view you and your shenanigans?

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Hang on... Wait for it... I have.. Something to say...

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sounds like her daughter is prime for a new Dom in her life.

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beat me to it.

I had a guy at the store snicker at me when I walked by wearing my mask so I screamed, "Is it ok if I have lung cancer, sir? Would that be ok with you if I wear a mask, sir?"
And the coward didn't say anything, just kept walking and smirking.

Imagine still being a Democrat in March 2022.

Attached: biden-poll-2-26.jpg (986x523, 33.79K)

>"Is it ok if I have lung cancer, sir? Would that be ok with you if I wear a mask, sir?"
>And the coward didn't say anything, just kept walking and smirking.

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Democrat Logic™

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"I just don't want anyone to this I'm a Republican"

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and then everyone clapped

Nah that's not ok, man. Lung cancer is bad for you.

>Are you concerned with how people in public view you and your shenanigans?
you should be, you all are freaks

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It was always optional

When will 1pbtid will be punished?

Well yea, she fears being attacked for her political beliefs.

Seems we have a serious terrorism problem in the us considering people are afraid to let others know they are republican.

And then the out of control cancer sex orgy in your lungs clapped.

riding to the house on the shitty nigger infested train, I'm the only one (except the hobo nigger talking to itself) not wearing a muzzle, feels good man to breathe openly.

Also op is a prolapsed trannie nigger
>verification not required

hahaha such a charming anecdote

when will this site do away with its pozzed discordian trigendered furrie jannies?

No, I'm neither an NPC nor a sheep.

Also keep in mind, the jannies will ban you if you report too many 1pbtid shill threads, they hate being reminded they do this for nothing.

>and everyone clapped

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Jews tongue my anus

not really funny
>get police out that they dont want
>get new police in that are sympathetic to their viewpoints

this will not end how i think you'd like it to

No. Autismus maximus. I don't give a fuck.


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lol look at the weakling who got cancer

Women don’t respect men who wear masks.

Yes, a joke from 2 years ago funny.

>Covid isn’t political guise stop being a conspiracy theorist

I would take a gun and blow my own fucking brains out if I woke up tomorrow a leftist.

If I cared what people thought about me, I'd be a Democrat.


Twitter is 99% bots, 1% boomer faggots and Ron Perlman

99% of people aren't wearing masks so I guess this is proof the election was rigged.

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