Munich hospital refuses to treat Russians


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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=iatros klinik&ei=Kq4nYtadF4GesAetnqe4Bw&ved=0ahUKEwjW2rjKn7f2AhUBD-wKHS3PCXcQ4dUDCA8&oq=iatros klinik&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAxKBAhBGABKBAhGGABQAFgAYABoAHABeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQA&sclient=gws-wiz#lrd=0x479e75e35aa756e1:0x1cb35050c963b085,1,,,


Based, let them die in a ditch.

typical German behavior

based I hope arabs are next.

That's dumb. Literally placing the few who were open-minded enough to leave Russia against us by punishing them for nothing.

Learned nothing from history.

germans are next

Cringe ... faggot kraut

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Sofort Lizenz entziehen.

wtf i love germany now

oh jaa so solidarisch so weltoffen und menschenfreundlich super gutmenschen lol

Did he stutter?

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not brown enough

It is now politically correct to be xenophobic. These are the same people that were saying not to blame all muslims after 9/11.

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terror...: say NO to muslim hate!
the coof....: say NO to chinese hate!

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German extremism as usual.

This is getting to insane levels. Expecting hospitals to take political decisions like that is a symptom of the modern world. It is like saying you wont take russian POW or whatever, shit works in a way because smarter than tik tok bitches have deemed it better.

We will never learn...

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nobody in a hospital asks for ID retard

only insurance ....money...duh

FSB in die Lachgaskammer 7 bitte.

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Treating jabbed foreigner like dirty unjabbed citizen.

>goyim... racism against whites is okay

good fuck russia

and israel is a democracy


a WESTERN democracy

we gon hack all your hospitals too ~ Anonymous

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Based, Ukraine will win

Here is their Google page.

Kek 2 hours ago it was about 550 ratings with an everage rating of 1,6.
Google cleaned all the downvotes

google.com/search?q=iatros klinik&ei=Kq4nYtadF4GesAetnqe4Bw&ved=0ahUKEwjW2rjKn7f2AhUBD-wKHS3PCXcQ4dUDCA8&oq=iatros klinik&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAxKBAhBGABKBAhGGABQAFgAYABoAHABeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQA&sclient=gws-wiz#lrd=0x479e75e35aa756e1:0x1cb35050c963b085,1,,,

So geht Antifaschismus , Münchner Art ! Rechnung kommt !

so Germany is back to supporting Nazis?

>so Germany is back to supporting Nazis?
They never stopped desu

I'm going to become a medical professional.
I'll swear an oath to treat all that require treatment.
Expect Russians, Twitter & msm says they have to die, Tribe rules. Dont want to get canceled.

How do they think, that they are the good guys?

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