Day 13

>day 13
>thousands of russians dead
>hundreds of white civilians dead
>convoy still stalled
>russia sanctioned to sub-NK levels
>kyiv still standing
What went wrong?

Attached: 1646173303861.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

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Look, it’s just that I’m not going to support Ukraine.

Ugh I know!
Ughhhh I know I know.

look it’s just that I’m not going to support them.


>What went wrong?

the west was gonna sanction anyways
if hohol sources are to be believed their losses exceed the ruski's despite being on the defensive
ivans at dniepro, which means they successfummy cut the country in twain.

all this according to hohol sources.

Bлaдимиp Пyтин HE oбeзьянa!

kremlin shill desperation is showing, no straws to pull
>two more days!

>pretends like the shilling isn't from hardcore kremlinbots

Attached: russian_shills.png (500x532, 209.61K)

Nothing. It's all planned. This is the great reset in motion. The war is a diversion. Look at the markets. Everything's tumbling down. Think about it.

Is it really possible that since 2014 or even before that, that Putin was unable to prevent any of this from happening or that they couldn't have had Zelensky or Kolomoisky simply offed? Putin's one of the most powerful men on this shitty rock and you're telling me that this war HAD to happen all the while Covid disappeared overnight? SURE.

But also, look at it from a different perspective. It's an intentional quagmire. Not too bad, not too good. Russia could've used A LOT more force, heavy artillery, massive cruise missile strikes with more powerful warheads, etc... yet Ukraine still has water, power, internet and all we've seen are shitty Soviet era tanks. They're holding back. A LOT. Perhaps too much. And for what? To get cancelled by the entire world? It obviously makes no fucking sense!

And that's because it's all rigged, it's all part of the globohomo's great reset and we're all fucked. Enjoy the ride. Things are only about to get worse. Much worse.

>it's all part of the plan

Attached: 1646716495086.gif (303x335, 131.43K)

I don't get this meme Putin isn't black?

Attached: Russia-Belgorod-by-Goldencako-Sviatoslav.jpg (894x787, 132.21K)

Fpbp, fuck nato

>putin planned ending the russian empire
okay ivan

Yes, and?

Attached: vvvvvww.jpg (733x451, 50.66K)

>part of the plan
>just two more weeks
that convoy outside kiev is a key element in putins plans to take the world down

But he is a monke. Gib banan to monke.

He has a commodity based economy, globe entering a high inflationary period that will last at least through the 20s, commodities historically have performed extremely well in these economic climates, he is capitalizing on this by creating "conflicts" he obviously wants the Ukraine invasion to last longer then needed. He knows Europe and America needs commodities more then his people need luxury tech goods. He smelt blood in the waters, watch NATO begin to dissolve, watch the EU crumble economically and turn into a huge refugee camp more then it already is. American global domination desires will be replaced again by populism and isolationism

Where does Russia even buy their bananas from?

Attached: 44438.jpg (600x600, 44.48K)

Ecuador, my bet.

user, stop focusing on the 'war'. Don't you get it that it's just a really dumb diversion? Do you honestly believe that the Russian army is THAT incompetent? Come the fuck on, get real. They started the war not because they couldn't have avoided it through other means, but because they had to do something to crash the markets and bring about a new cashless society. That's going to happen soon. Not sure if cyber attacks are going to precede it or what. But maybe you haven't noticed that Putin just stopped all Russian exports until the end of the year, more likely until further notice. This isn't about some meme war, nor about Nazis or Putin. It's a global plan to kill fiat currency, physical cash and start a digital social credit system era, where we're all slaves. But if you prefer on focusing on this war and how badly Russia's doing, go right ahead. Ignore the social credit system that's going to be forced on you. War's more important. Tanks go brrrrr and vatniks get blown up and shit.

>getting paid to shill in rubles

>What went wrong?

You believed all sorts of propaganda BS.

Based Slovenian bringing the news.

>day 13
There's 14 days in 2 weeks user...

We may have mocked Schwabi boi for his accent, but man's going to roast us big time.

Attached: 4chan Jewish Things.png (540x823, 481.54K)

sending your troops to die in the meatgrinder is an act of incompetence
>in two weeks the second wave will come


They are going to install cope cages on aircrafts now?

Attached: file.png (597x593, 319.86K)

Everything is according to keikaku, you just don't understand
*keikaku means plan

This meme is old as hell by now, stop exposing yourself lmao


God, you are irredeemable. They are irrelevant. If Ukraine miraculously won this it wouldn't matter because the goal isn't the war, it's the new global era. Whatever. You're too dense to get it. Keep consuming the war propaganda and living in the 2 side paradigm (left vs right, red vs blue, us vs them, good vs evil, up vs down, you vs me, republican vs democrat, capitalist vs communist, etc).

>Bro why didn't they control the entire country 10 days ago?
The battle of Moscow during WW2 lasted 3 months, Stalingrad lasted 5. Anybody pushing the "If Russia is so good, why haven't they won yet? Russia btfo" narrative is either willfully ignorant or genuinely stupid. It's not like they're the US during Desert Storm, they're fighting a force that's being well supplied by the west