>The "Republic of Poland, after consultations between the President and the Goverment, are ready to deploy – immediately and free of charge – all their MIG-29 jets to the Rammstein Air Base and place them at the disposal of the Government of the USA."

Attached: 800px-Flag_of_Poland.svg.png (800x500, 2.68K)

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Poland NO!


lol. nope they're giving them to us and we're giving them to Ukraine I guess.

what a bunch of retards
they didnt get the memo:
>shitcraine is not making it
>everyone sends their old shit to shitcraine to turn into debt

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US offered to give us f-16s.
US pressured us to give our planes directly to Ukraine, to make us an "it, so we give them to US instead. Fucking 4d chess between idiots

It will be deboonked for the 10000th time

They know they will be gone soon, might as well try to destroy some of the decoy soviet tanks hehehehe europe is bubye

How is the tranny corps going to get them into Ukraine?

CHUG bros.... I thought this was all cope and propaganda?

If only there was a way to make a plane fly
Now that's an idea

I hope Putin presses the button. This is getting pretty fucking stale.

It's on gov.pl you Russian rape baby. You fucking toilet cleaners are going to drag all of us into WW3. God bless Russia, I hope they nuke you twice for being they goyest of the goym.

Go and read it you dumbass low IQ gypsy thief.

planes take off from Ramstein.
Germany gets their gas cut off within next 30 days.
Good times.

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>You fucking toilet cleaners are going to drag all of us into WW3

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I've read it, you subhuman filth. It's exactly as posted. You'll get what you always deserved. We'll get ours too for being slaves of the kikes, but I truly hope Putin flattens Pooland.

Do it, Polan. I hate the world and this timeline. Start WW3. Fuck everything!

So they are giving them to the US and send then to an US military airbase in Germoney. If they had lend a polish airbase and those planes to Ukraine, I would have send nukes on the ten biggest polish cities, just to show NATO that I'm willing to end the world.

I love those femboy Catholic Russian rape babies so much it’s unbelievable

>Poland has also asked other countries with MiGs to “act in a similar way”

>Poland has also asked other countries with MiGs to “act in a similar way”

>Poland has also asked other countries with MiGs to “act in a similar way”

well russia did invade ukraine, so the blame will fall on russia. they have to help out their brothers in arms

Didn't Poland learn anything from WWII? To get involved on behalf of the US/Anglos is like a coward goading you to poke a bear? Poland was on the winning side of WWII and lost the Kresy any Lvov. And, even fought on the side of Stalin after he murdered 20,000 of them in Katyn.

For making an enemy of Putin, and say Poland wins, then Poland gets to recover Lvov.

i'm. so. happy.

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That means that you're illiterate gypsy, so no surprises.

It said that Poland is giving away it's Migs for the Rammstein base in Germany, nothing about Ukraine. Whether Ukraine will get it or not would be up to the US

Did Poland even remember the way the Anglos failed to declare war against the USSR after they invaded from the east?

All the shills that "deboonked" this a couple of days ago must be having a stroke.
It's like:
>The West is le Jewish globohomo that lies with every word.
>The West unironically means 100% of what they say exactly in the way I am interpreting it.
Like, pick one or the other, schizos.

Attached: Cope x Cope.jpg (1048x675, 145.75K)

but if russia wants to attack us in the future then it's inevitable, better to fight together with ukraine than alone

I had dreams about this. Doesn't end well, but i belive God choose Russia to deliver chastisement for Europe. His will be done.

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I don't care who's to blame. Launch the nukes!

You stupid polacks don't get it: the US will let you with a dick in your ass once nukes start flying. Once confirmed those nukes are heading only to Pooland, nobody will stick their necks out for you. "Limited strikes", no reason to retaliate, etc. You'll get bottled water and blankets under that Article 5.

The amount of fucking brain dead mouthy breathing cock holsters in the replies celebrating that they get to start a full blown war makes my blood boil. Why can't we just draft these fucking cunts instead?

Oh, dumbass, it is coincidental as Jews getting arrested for setting up cameras in New Jersey to watch 9-11 happen.

Well if the west weren't a bunch of backstabbing pussies we would have mobilised, prepared a defense and used our advanced anti tank rifles to destroy THE FUCKING GERMANS OCCUPY THEM AND BECOME A WORLD POWER THEN DESTROY THE RED RUSKIES AND LIVE IN A WORLD WERE COLD WAR IS PLAYED AGAINTS POLAND MUAHAHA

But the WEST god i hate them RAPED US out of OUR EASY Victory we could have easily destoryed the germans we could have easily destroyed the russians but the only opportunity in human history was wasted! GOD WHY MUST I SUFFER WHY

Was it because your country used to have so many Jews that your people became paranoid just like them?

Wrong the original instigation was done by ukraines nazi forces that has been terrorizing Russia's borders and NATO encroaching too close to Russia. Try and keep up sweetie.

remind me what country was shared between the west and the east during ww2?

This is like the Chinese woman that ate a bat at the Wuhan wet market and started Covid. I hope she enjoyed the flavor, at a huge expense to the world.

KEK. Pooland to scared to give them directly to Jewkraine, they pass the hot potato to USA. These eternal cowards never disappoint.

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Fuck you and your plebbit shithole of a country, just give up already before we get into a fucking nuke exchange because of your manlet kike in charge.

Poland is another fake country. Putin should have it next.

we are paranoid because of russia and germany. as for jews, these retards were welcoming the german (!) army with flowers and then voluntarly went into "resettlement" trains. polish jews were not paranoid at all.

Supplying war material is an act of war against Russia, isn't it? US is always instigating, everywhere. Hyenas that will tear a fetus from a gazelle and eat it alive in front of the dying mother. Poland is foolish to get involved, with NOTHING to gain, not Kresy, not Lvov.

Where can they even take off from?