International women's day

>International women's day
>Vagina museum uses the day to praise men in history
>feminists have to pretend to agree or be labelled trannsphobic
Kek, tranny movement is based?

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I'll start

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>when a woman does anything intelligent, I assume its a man

After a long shitty day at the office infront of a computer screen, i always appreciate a bit of mental gymnastics.

>democracy is all important
>except here, we must suppress all dissent because this is even more important than democracy, because we say so

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name one
so many examples
there was one prussian general they claimed was a tranny and spent a million dollars trying to prove it.
But they wouldnt spend 200$ on an XY chromosome test

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There are people born women with XY chromosomes

'Trans-women are women' is not talking about biology in any way, though. It's specifically referring to how people should treat them and the role they should have in society.
Plus, to trans-women, they ARE women. Constantly referring to them as a trans-women for the sake of biological correctness is going to make them feel bad, for basically no gain.

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>Vagina Museum
Why are women so crass?

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Their hole gives them value.

if you said this word in coversation to me or started bitching about how much cum women have been filled with i could shove my dick down your throat and lay eggs in your guts while you cried like a bitch

One of them is Donald... was it Trump?


No De'Shawns, Ja'Michaels or Quintavious' on her belt. Whore is obviously racist.

> Vagina museum

> Let's talk about penis


>if you said this word in coversation to me or started bitching about how much cum women have been filled with i could shove my dick down your throat and lay eggs in your guts while you cried like a bitch


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