Any Forumscels BTFO

Any Forumscels BTFO

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The quality of this board would actually increase a full 20% if Germany was range banned

make a movie of that thing bcs no one is going to read it

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nobody is claiming otherwise than "european nations..." even now, but if you want to die for some random hohols you can be my guest.

US ambassador has more political power in Ukraine than its president.

Why would Benjamin Varela get mad over Ukraine support?

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You can't read a simple sentence, are Brazilians retards?

and the oligarchs behind putin have more power than he does. doesnt mean russia isnt sovereign.

Not reading all that fucking hell shills can you try just a little bit. Raged and saged.

pyccкий вoeнный кopaбль


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Oligarchs lost billions and continue to lose money. This war directly contradicts your retarded claim.

im just out of my network engineering class and i don't want to read some bunkertranny """meme"""

thats like claiming riots hurt the economy, therefore george soros cant possibly be pulling the strings.

jesus, when will you learn, no walls of text please

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How do riots harm the economy? A couple of burned out Walmart do nothing for the economy lying kike.
And riots aren't war anyway, so your analogies are yet again retarded.
Oligarchs stand nothing to gain. The only reason to start this war was to advance the interest of a Russian state.
Cope and dilate.
Russia is the last sovereign European nation, the rest are all controlled by the USA glowniggers.

It's the new "black lives matter" slogan

>Oligarchs stand nothing to gain.
of course not. because there are no defense contractors in your country, or billionaires with international ties that arent bound to your failing economy.

wars are terrible for business, and no country has ever turned a profit from one.

Yet they don't stop

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Ok so when are you killing your arab invaders in Deutschland?
Oh I see now.

The Russians haven't even started yet. Holols aren't very smart acting like retarded savages when vlad's got artillery pointed at their heads.

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yes, immigration is literally the same as russia rolling tanks through your country.