How hard are we being raided??

I usually don't pay much attention when some schizo says reddit is raiding.
But since ukraine I see arguments and ideas I never thought I would see on this site, people defending Jews, NATO, no to war, violence is bad etc.
We are talking about the same site that 3 weeks ago had a daily /rekt/ and hail hitler thread. The only ones that seem organic to me are the Australian and the Estonian guy who keep posting gore of dead soldiers, even though it's disgusting.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What if people especially those living near it just really dont like Russia

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Aussies and Eestis are immune to retarded globohomo propaganda

The Guardian: Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown - Social science is being militarised to develop 'operational tools' to target peaceful activists and protest movements. "Minerva"-funded social scientists tied to Pentagon counterinsurgency operations are involved in the "study of emotions in stoking or quelling ideologically driven movements," he said, including how "to counteract grassroots movements."

The Nation: US Officials Won’t Say if a New Anti–Russian Propaganda Project (shilling on social media) Is Targeting Americans.

The Guardian: The Ministry of Defence is developing a secret, multimillion-pound research programme into the future of cyberwarfare, including how emerging technologies such as social media and psychological techniques can be harnessed by the military to influence people's beliefs.

Attached: Aaaarye.webm (1440x1440, 2.44M)

>those living near
>my flag
I'm not even talking about whether or not you like Russia or the invasion. It's purely the arguments given, the way of speaking.
As I said, the Baltics don't like Russia or a Russian invasion so they respond with gore.
That is organic. Praising a Jew with Twitter memes on this website 24/7 is not.

It's not a raid. It's a years long occupation by American military propaganda operations.

The Ukraine situation has brought about the most unprecedented raiding this board has ever experienced. It’s worse than covid, worse than BLM, worse than the 2020 election, and worse than vax shilling. Be sure to sage or hide slide threads and bump thoughtful discussions.

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Ive been hidding in /chug/ and some random humor threads, the X country general seem safe too

russia belongs to finland

>I never thought I would see on this site, people defending Jews, NATO, no to war, violence is bad etc.

You haven't been paying attention. The Ukraine invasion has just drastically raised the profile of certain issues that aren't normally hot-button.

>That is organic. Praising a Jew with Twitter memes on this website 24/7 is not.

Any Forums's anti-semitism has never been purely organic.

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>Any Forums's anti-semitism has never been purely organic.
Praising a fag is?
Even if he wasn't Jewish, that guy sucks.

baby steps compared to when shillary sent her brigade. they were like 300 actual paid shills

The Ukranian people are the real victims of this dumb shit. NATO is obviously overstepping.
War is not inherently bad, but I don't see NATO getting involved or anything much coming of this one.

Spierdalaj ruska kurwo.


We are constantly raided by branches of governments and their psyop/counter-intel divisions.

We are constantly being monitored and watched by law enforcement agencies all over the globe.

We are constantly on the far left's rader. We probably get raided by leftypol or reddit at least once a month. In fact, the far lefties probably have discords with full-time moderators dedicated to strategic raiding and narrative bending. These troons feel like they're on a noble de-nazification mission but don't realize how counter-intuitive their efforts are.

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They are getting paid by the post. It's called social influencer, you can hire them on fivver to spam a dialogue... regardless if it's real or not.


Not my problem.

>social influencer
those are famous, this are retards
It is quite annoying, every time there is a happening the traffic goes up ...
I haven't even talked about what I think. But this is full of shills.

Discussion isn't allowed on other boards.
I'm not raiding your shithole board.
I am forced to immigrate temporarily due to jannie aggression.
You cold say I'm a refugee, but I think of my self as a sexpat, because I'm better then the people of this board.
Don't worry, I'll go away once important political events have concluded, you can't pay me to spend time with you "people".

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>Israel has no right to exist
Just write this and they disappear