National women day!

post pics of inspiring women!

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>child kills himself
>make tiktok dance video about it

Attached: witchfinder.jpg (1000x657, 72.73K)

it is my lifes goal to anally savage a thick latina while she screams PAPI

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I've never wanted to hit a woman so bad since I found this vid a couple months ago

>Why do you think he did it
>No idea
0 self-awareness


Why is she communicating through hand language when she has that text on the screen anyway?

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Same,based.Thishuge ass thick slut has awoken something in me

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Lmao unironically this is 99% of spics

Why does this make me so fucking angry?


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She made a tik tok on her son's death. She's a textbook narcissist.

Because it's typical of women's obsession with social status. Even the most horrible thing that could happen to her son, husband, loved one, is instantly turned into a callous attempt to improve her social status.

"My son just killed himself."
"This will get me so much attention on Tik Tok!"

Women are the ultimate at climbing up on the mangled bodies of others.

Attached: women-supporting-islam-why-do-women-do-this-30292817.png (500x552, 171.23K)

Having a retard for a mom was probably a huge factor in his suicide.

Women are the master gender

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> 350 pounds
> why wont anyone date me

Attached: fat_women.jpg (820x587, 108.15K)

Gogle doodle laying it on think as usual

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My mom smacked her boobas on my face and we didn't even remember this gay day

U wot m8

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Die for her freedoms goy! Her blood bleeds red, white, and blue, just like you!

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>U wot m8
International booba day

The best day of this nightmare's life was the day her son killed himself.

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Let's stay on topic of hating women, and not get into sidebar of hating ethnics.

Ok, Pablo Hernandez.


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Bitch is so fat a tazer wouldn't be able to stun her.

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I'm going to need more details than that, kangaroofren

Happy woman days
Gosht of Kyev is a wamon

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Bitch doesn’t even know how to hold a knife properly

The pill and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

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>Diane COPE

you can't make this shit up

that isn't hand language you idiot