What if "Z" is just the army group? Like how "K" stood for Kiel in WW2 Germany

What if "Z" is just the army group? Like how "K" stood for Kiel in WW2 Germany.

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Wow you are a fucking genius... did you see that posted here two weeks ago when it was explained...

all fields

it's a friend/foe identifier.
but it also means victory in Russian culture.

Not anymore
The world embraced the Z and now it’s a global movement for freedom

this is so fucking dumb. it's just an identifying marker. who the fuck cares? trolling globohomo couldnt be easier. putin should have used a BLM symbol


based macaco is right

it's because Putin is a big Zorro-fan.

OS or OZ Which one?

>What if "Z" is just the army group
It literally is. There's Z and V in the current situation. The Russians are doing this since a long time. In the chechen war they used W markings.

Media are saying now that the letter Z is a swastika. LetterZ is going to get banned from the alphabet

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they are trying to pain a narrative
they do that every single time
remember how honk honk honk during the canadian truck protest was pained as nazist?

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Putin should have justed all the letters from the alphabet. The West would have no language anymore.

Z is not a letter in the Russian alphabet. Their equivalent letter is '3'.

Why do they use letters that don't exist in cyrllic?
Also checked

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these people are like bots, they don't understand meaning, they only repeat and recompose pieces of sentences, to get some kind of emotive response
so wen they see something they perceive as a shiny new symbol, they want to paint it with a meaning they decided, in order to take control of language and take control of the narrative

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purpleeyes flashbacks

they are treating Z like a swastika now. I wish Russians used some western companies logos as symbols. Nike swoosh, Adidas stripes or google's G could have been treated the same. What a missed opportunity.

that's how retarded they are
news are now feeded from twitter

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an other retarded past example

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Zapad which is Russian for west. And yes its the army group. There is also V for Vostok (east).

>they are trying to pain a narrative
So Russians using Z as symbol of their support for war is globohomo psyop?
See, this is the chronic situation here, where due to lingual barrier nobody seems to know anything about Russia that didn't came from RT or CNN, so people fill in the gaps with west_bad consperitardy.

Because cyrillic Z (З) looks like 3 (three)

The "Z" is marked to show the difference between Russia and Ukraine tanks, trucks, etc. as they have a lot of the same models, makes, manufacturing between both countries.

stop projecting plebbit retard

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the original symbol table
supposedly compiled by ukrainians

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Z - means ZALUPA

I assumed it was the sequel to V for Vendetta. Z for World War Zelensky

it checks out with the ukrainian one, thanks