Stop and think

Do you trust putin?
Obviously zelensky is an asset but is putin just working on behalf of higher powers?
Oligarchs bled the country dry and you think they aren't connected to the international clique?
The conflict in Ukraine has manufactured crisis written all over it.

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Don't be a NPC by picking sides.

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Who is this highest power?
All these highest power; Soros, Rothschild, Schwab at kvetching at Putin right now. Do you think their kvetching is mere acting, or is there an entity higher than these kikes that Putin answer to?

Haven't you learned anything?
When ''they'' say they're going to attack the ''bad'' guys its always the opposite. ''Tax the rich'', ''help the climate'', ''sanction the Russians'' etc just means they're fooling people into getting fucked over. Sanctions don't affect people in government or the elite. It will only affect westerners.

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i think this is quite unprecedented
you have Ukraine a country run by left wing jews, reformists and traditionalists perhaps
you have Russia a country more deeply imbedded with right wing jews, orthodox and ultra orthodox, than even the USA

this seems that for the first time you have two countries that with so much jewish influence fighting each other

Jews aren't fighting each other. It's like they're lowering the west so that it can equal with poor Russia and poor china. It's all manufactured and the soultion will be offered soon.

im aware of that to an extent and that it is in the hand of jews
but to go these lengths to start this war where they have both russia and ukraine in their grasp is just unprecedented

idk what type of jewish infighting caused the situation to escalate like this

it's affecting people in russia..

There is no jew infighting.

Not for long. Russia has been preparing for this. Their economy is more commodity based than the west. So you're saying that sanctions are affecting the working class Russians? This only proves that the elite are more involved because at the end of the day, putin and oligarchs will still be in control.

why then jeopardize the stand and control of ukraine by leftwing jews

Good thread.
If you chose a side on this, slap yourself.

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This hasn't nothing to do with ''left wing, right wing''. How can jews be right wing when they don't even support monarchies, theocracy or fascism? This is above the political compass paradigm. It's international nwo

Notice how people are supporting putin to own the west.

>Do you trust putin?
more than i trust some memeflag with a proxy on the internet.
besides, soros has been meddling in ukraine for ages. this is the final boss. soros owns the anti-corruption organisations, he bought the supreme court, he bought the politicians since 2014. biden, pelosi and two other US politicians have children all working for burisma. get fucked.

i understand that but when i say left wing jews i mean jews who when they stick to a policy they do it in a way where it doesnt have to happen overnight and its long term
while most "right wing" jews are orthodox and ultra orthodox grugs who would literally genocide goyim on a whim if they had their way overnight

>trusts putin
This isn't a video game with the ''final boss'' ffs.
Russia. You're not looking at how they are all internationally connected. Russia is part of all their international circles.

It's quite funny to watch desu.

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>Do you trust putin?
Fuck yes tranny
Because I know (we all know) what he did in the past, Russia hasn't invaded anything since '89

what about Georgia?

The timing of Putin's operation suited the globalist kikes perfectly. A little too perfectly.

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