North Korea 2.0

So that's why I've been having problems with internet lately.
Russian bros, are we becoming North Korea 2.0?
In the morning everything was slow af, VPN works with interruptions...

I just want to say this while I still can. It's been fun lurking here, Anons. Goodbye.

Attached: north korea v2.png (595x703, 421.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cya nigga

you is free from digital hell world

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Based country freeing it's citizens from Any Forums

get fucked vadnyk. now that there's no internet you can see that as an incentive to go get shot in ukraine.

Sounds based as fuck besides not being able to come on Any Forums

K...keep me posted

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>So that's why I've been having problems with internet lately.
Huh? I didn't notice anything. My internet were fine these days.

just close your eyes and imagine Any Forums


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just use tor/vpn retard it's not like europe and australia don't censor their entire internet either

and good luck trying to torrent shit in america without getting your internet turned off

You didn't read the article?
>Unplugging Russia from Cogent’s global network will likely result in slower connectivity, but won’t completely disconnect Russians from the internet, Madory notes.
It's just a route less which is used to distribute data traffic.

My bros from Russia will never be silenced

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What VPN are you using?
I couldn't login into NordVPN yesterday evening and today early in the morning.

Tor wouldn't connect either, had to get bridges directly from when NordVPN finally connected.

Good luck slavanon. Enjoy your pod and bugs after the Great Reset, it looks like they're testing it out on Mother Russia first.

sorry ivan its your boi putin cutting you from the world. they tested that in 2021.

rostelekom won't open

99% of that traffic is netflix and porn
the russians will be fine

>no nuke
>pls no bully...

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I always enjoyed you guys on this board and in my hobbies, yes for fucks sake even the kiddies in Dotka. Russian and Japanese culture make for a great counterweight to globohomo bullshittery my real life is plastered with.
I hope we'll see you guys again some time, but this time on equal terms, not with the US of muttistan still playing sherrif of the planet

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They want the Russians off the internet. That way when they start dehumanizing the Russian people, the propaganda will work better since there's no easy way for outsiders to interact with Russians and see that they aren't all scheming little wretches who want every westerner dead.

Russia is going independent i dont think you can vpn out of it. Congrats russia you defeated globohomo

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