It's OVER — he has 3 options

Virtually everything report you are seeing now from the Western media is false; the truth is, over the last few days the Ukraine has sustained significant very heavy casualties among it's combatants (tens of thousands) because it armed civilians, including women and children and expected them to defeat the 2nd most powerful military in the world. It has failed.

What will Zelensky do now?

>1. Surrender to the Russian forces who now have Kiev surrounded by an impenetrable wall of mechanized support, artillery, tanks, and the best of the Russian infantry including Special Forces.
>2. Attempt to flee the country and live-in-exile as a disposed leader
>3. Be assassinated by the SBU and Azov Nationalists who seeing the inevitable, will dispose of him to save themselves.

The Western media is trying to amplify the message that Russia is 'slowing' or 'not-making-progress', this is NOT true in the slightest; Russia have been very careful with it's surgical strikes to keep infrastructure intact for strategic reasons, rather than reduce the country to utter destruction.

This war ends very soon

Attached: fakeNews.jpg (571x563, 58.96K)

No one is falling for it fidor, you lost the information war, deal with it

Posting a tweet of a literal Mossad agent. Top Kek.


you're hoping amplifying the bullshit will help you win the war, when in fact it doesn't matter the quantity, bullshit is still bullshit. You have lost, not just the propaganda war, which is irrelevant, but the war of the ground against a superior force with tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians unnecessarily slaughtered.

I hope you're proud of yourself.

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>literal Mossad agent.

Zelensky works for Mossad?



oh noooo!!! somebody is NOT saying exactly the same bullshit as the Western MSM approved narrative™, they must be working for some for shill mill outlet or be a glownigger.


The people of the Ukraine are now desperate and are turning on Zelensky. If he continues he will be disposed of by his own people, especially those close to him. Already last week the SBU murdered one of it's own intelligence officers, because they feared an assassination plot.

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No I mean he’s a literal Mossad agent who was apart of Al-Qaeda and educated at Oxbridge, he now claims “English” and hosts his own radio show in the U.K. where he’s a gatekeeper for conservatives to make sure they don’t get too close to the real targets.

Look him up you retard.

>Virtually everything report you are seeing now from the Western media is false
COPE AND SEETHE you delusional mong.

I don't care about that, the pic was just to show the absurdity of the propaganda, Zelensky bravely on the front line, when in fact, he is cowering in a bunker, crying to Biden on the phone every day, while his people get unnecessarily slaughtered fighting

Imagine they need a cyprus based VPN for their spam bullshit.

Are you real people or bots
like seriously do you actually belive ukraine is holding well?

shills all use memeflags, shill

incredibly based Cyprus user

Everything that you see in MSM is a truth. That is a hard redpill to swallow.
>Terrible virus is coming
>Biden will win
>Vaccines will be single remedy for virus
>Russia will atack Ukraine

What are you going to say one morning, when you wake up and see Zelensky captured by Russian Spetsnaz??? Putin wants the entire country under total control first, then Zelensky will be the icing on the cake.

I can't wait...

Attached: zelensky.jpg (328x164, 6.69K)

Fucking cringe way of expressing yourself, cuck, leave now you cringy little whore


Lmfao the state of russian shills. 2 more days!!!!

>Terrible virus is coming
nigger i dont even notice there is a pandemic save for the masks and the hysterical manchildren
>Vaccines will be single remedy for virus
yes everyone who wasnt vaccinated and contracted covid dies, sure retard
>Russia will atack Ukraine
and guess fucking what they are winning

tell me again about that ghost of keev and the matyrs at snake island
come on tell me how russia has sustained 10k+ causalties and lost thousands of tanks whilst ukraine has 3 digit deaths

come on retards are you paid for this?

Biden has created a second North Korea that has min. 6000 nukes. The man is a genius!

>4. Establish Vietnam 2.0 and make faggots like you seethe for another 20 years

this idea that the internet and power being on is somehow a catastrophic failure on russia's part is one of the most smooth brain takes ever by twittertards. russia is going to own the country after they're done. why would you break your own toys?

this shit isn't america where half of the military budget is building houses after you blow them up.

yes, MSM tells bullshit. but so does Russia's propaganda machinery. don't believe anything retard. and stop sucking putin's dick. he's just as much a retard as the NATO whores

stop taking sides in zog-on-zog conflicts you infinite retards

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You do realise that Ukraine doesn't have an option to surrender right?
Who will rebuild the country? Russia? Don't make me laugh.
Russian economy was already worse then Germany only, even before the war.

Their only option is to join the EU.
Only the EU will be able to rebuild the country and give it a future.

Russia may or will win on the short term, but never on the long term.

>Lmfao the state of russian shills. 2 more days!!!!

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thank fucking god the clown nosed jew doesn't have a big red button or he would've used it by now
there's hope they will put him in the oven for using his own civilians as a meat shield

what are you fucking idiots going to do when they raise the russian flag in Kiev
clink on to your Goose and pretend on shitter everything is fine will the retarded sanctions are starving your own population to death because gas suddenly costs 120% of what people earn?

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I think the SBU will shot him when he realise the war is lost

shut up tranny, shilling for Russia, your convoy has been stalled forever retard

you have been manipulated by the Jew shills to cheer for Russia, you're a little bitch worth nothing

cope dilate ect

>Russia being cutoff from the internet
>Now has to resort to using VPNs to spread psyop
>Memeflag post
kek. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the Russian state. It's absolutely amazing to see this.

>4. Establish Vietnam 2.0 and make faggots like you seethe for another 20 years

Good luck with that, women and children aren't going to fight like vietcong...

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come throw more Any Forums slang out maybe people will belive you are legit next time

They will not be allowed join the EU.
They do not meet any of the criteria to join, germany and netherlands publicly vetoed their application also.

>what are you fucking idiots going to do when they raise the russian flag in Kiev
I'll be here laughing at your delusional ass because this will never happen, go fuck yourself Ivan, you've lost

think this through retard
russia is the resource exporter here
if they cut off russia from processed goods russia will be forced to cultivate their own domestic industry
what will europe do?
grow fucking metals and fossil fuels in their backyard?

it doesnt work like that
europe needs russia way more

at this point, they might as well dissolve ukraine and just get integrated into russia. they lost absolutely every inch of clay that was worth anything. at least if they are part of russia, they'll have access to natural resources again. if they survive as a nation but with only their currently held territories, they have absolutely nothing. they'll be even poorer than they already were, below chinese rice farmer tier.

Yes because im estonian Russian. Stay mad fucking moron. Keep thinking were "fooled by the info war" when over seas russians in Norway are going to fucking protests. Moron.

>I'll be here laug-ACK!

>russians protesting in norway will topple putin

Sure Ivan, sure...
Fucking loser shill

>Their only option is to join the EU.
the EU will not let them join.

just stop

I can smell your bad cuck teeth from here, faggot