International Women's Day

How can we make things easier for them?

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Cooking and cleaning at home are fairly easy tasks.

why is it important for a man to make as much money as them? do they adhere to this ancient patriarchal belief that men should make more money than women?

Sounds kind of sexist to me

just tell ur parents ur a faggot

because heterosexual women want to feel dominated you retard

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Women don't know what they want, or what their best interests are, thats why the "liberated" woman is the least happy and fulfilled of them all.

They are hard wired at this point for it. Whores will always seek out men who can buy them stuff

>more women graduating college than women
>they run out of men making more money than they are
the golden times are ahead of us, bachelor/master-chads, gonna drown in pootang

>more women graduating college than men

Sorry ladies you can't have it both ways. Now have fun being a divorced roastie who at the age of 55 is still looking for Mr. Right.

Same reason men want women younger than them

Exactly. Tradecels and wagecels will cope


I get all my women from Thailand. Problem solved. You're welcome, Feminists.

Where are these women? Every single woman I meet is drowning in debt. I make decent money but I don't wanna take that on.

It’s hilarious that women always want to date a superior man, and they can’t avoid this part of their biology. They are unfit for higher levels of responsibility for this reason. Those resources are better spent on a man who can make decisions better anyway, and so he can be financially independent and marry and have kids. Women in the same roles will literally refuse to marry and have kids

He knows, he wants them to vocalize it.

Women from Thailand?


>Women don't know what they want

who said knowledge had anything to do with it

they have a strong biological urge to look up to men about 8-12 inches taller than them, and then be manhandled, mounted and penetrated

turns out they want to be in a submissive position financially as well, whoddathunk

Women are the worst consoomers. You can make 100 bucks an hour and she'll still give you the silent treatment because you don't have enough for the car she wants.

Money is for women and gays. I use RESPECT as currency

Quit work and let them take control of the finances

Hang feds? Hang feds.

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I have idea comrades.

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Instead of playing vidya and cooming, learn a skill and make more money

More like celebrate globo homo day.

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not true, i rather take a woman my age or a few years older that is caring than a 20yo instaslut

She still remembers Abdul’s penthouse and his golden BMW, she will always resent you for not providing the same value

You could try pooping on her and speaking with an unintelligible accent.

I was talking about straight men

And not all women care if husband makes more. Outliers exist

It's definitely hanging feds, right?

Why is that only a problem for women? Men have never cared how little a woman makes.