How to fix women with blockchain

I want to create a society where if a woman even talks to you, you ask "are you in a relationship yes/no?" "are you interested in dating me long-term yes/no?" and if she says she is in a relationship or she doesnt want to date you, the guy just says "Bye" and goes away. no talking, no money, no help, no nothing.

I want every man to do this. I want to have a public blockhain where every woman has a record of relationships with dates, so everyone can see how many men she dated. And all you have to do is take a photo of her sleeping in bed, to put it on her blockchain record.

So all you have to do is pull your phone, see that she had 5 boyfriends, or she is in a relationship and know to just ignore her and walk away.

Women have grown as a cancer that expects to have 5,000,000 followers on instagram and tiktok giving them money and gifts. I don't think that is right.

If a woman is in a relationship she should get NO attention from any other man
if a woman doesnt want to get in a relationship with you...she should get NO further attention from you.

In fact we should have blacklists where you can blacklist specific women that have rejected you before.

such a society will fix women better than any sharia law

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>How to fix women with blockchain

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This, but for men.

user I want to consider the validity of your ideals but you did not post your physique with a timestamp.

>how to fix women with blockchain

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The model for Aloy is actually kinda cute

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Roastie coin. ill buy 100k

Roastie detected. What are you going to do in a few years when your worth is zero to any man and even a paki would be physically disgusted by you.

>he requires strength to show true validity
>m-m-must be a roastie!!!

fine, i work out at home
im also a grown man in a relationship, its not about needing a woman for me.
its about morals

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Nice timestamp.
>oh wait

Only genetic engineering can fix women.

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>Women have grown as a cancer that expects to have 5,000,000 followers on instagram and tiktok giving them money and gifts. I don't think that is right.

Do you think that instagram followers don't know that they aren't dating the person they're following? Like simps just need to be convinced that they're never gonna get with a woman and then they'll just stop being simps?


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good work lol XD
simps cannot change, they are in fact worse than women.
we just need to ban all donation and stream sites.

when a simp is caught trying to spend time and give attention to a woman "in relationship" on the blockchain, he would go to jail

One of the only good ideas I've ever heard for muh crypto shit, but just like the lolberg NAP, it requires everyone to opt in and therefore doesn't work. Would be nice to compel participation somehow.

simple really: would you buy BTC from a stranger that tells you to meet behind the street? no, you would buy BTC only from an exchange.

men would prefer to enter relationships with only verified blockchain women.
it would slowly teach men to stop wasting time giving attention to women in relationships, or women who dont like them.
just on the spot "do you like me yes/no?" and her blockchain status changes to "in relationship to user"

even now a lot of men are refusing to seriously date vaccinated women, only 1 night stands.
you shouldnt have a child or marry a vaccinated women

Big Tranny Cock?

>would you buy BTC from a stranger that tells you to meet behind the street?
Thats basic p2p and how it used to work before exchanges. Kys summerfriend

that shit doesnt work fren.
you might have had 1 guy be legit.
the next 3 are waiting to beat you up and extort the BTC out of you at the back of a minivan.

>If a woman is in a relationship she should get NO attention from any other man
I'd still just cuck you OP

>Nigger flag hating women
Every single time.

Simps will always side with women over men, that's why white nationalism, mgtow movements etc will always be a pathetic cope.