Is it worth it taking the bonanza pill

Is it worth it taking the bonanza pill

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why the fuck would you do that, even if you're a chinlet that can't be good

just chew gum when you're working out bro

Yeah, the world is recently missing 2 Bogdanoffs

he's deformed now

no. no no. no no no. no.

Whats amazing is the mew fags actually fall for this scam

It's a lie. I clench constantly due to my mental illness and wear a mouth guard that essentially does the same, and it doesn't work like that. It's bone structure lads not muscle, don't fall for this surgery cunt.

>get plastic surgery
>meme about training jaw

If you'll notice in that video, masseter definition won't change jaw angle.

Mask lookin motherfucker

He looks like he’s storing nuts for the winter

are you niggers stupid or something?
this chipmunk has nuts in his mouth

Faggot is storing nuts for winter

to add to that, he would have striations

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 31.17K)

Earrings are for faggots and pirates, and he doesn't look like a pirate

you can train masseters muscle by chewing
the issue is it makes you look deformed
bones matter, not your muscles

I have that thing he is chewing, and after a week of doing it you don't feel sore anymore. I don't think it works, especially if you are incel tier jawlet. Also guy clearly going implants

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 12.26.12 AM.png (1356x2103, 2.92M)

Butt pirate

what did he look like before?
that seems kinda obsessive
my grandparents use to buy me as much gum as I wanted when I was young and I would just chew the same piece all day while adding more to it
not nearly that defined but I clearly have a masculine jawline