
Has anyone in Canada or Australia got this shit yet or know anyone that has? I've been holding out and haven't been vaxxed at all yet, and will never take MRNA. But I need to travel internationally soon. Wondering if this stuff is safe as theorized, or if people are experiencing side effects in large numbers like the other ones. What's the current Any Forums consensus on Novavax now that it's available?

Yes I already know it's better not to take any, I know I'm cucking out etc. etc. that's not what I'm asking.

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You don't need to travel for shit

Nope, never getting any shot. The mandates are being eased this weekend in my province so why cuck?

its shit. dont take it.

>gates juice

I got the Johnson and Johnson and it fucked me up. Made me throw up and then a week later I got hives all over my body. Do not get that one

The problem is that the requirement for air travel isn't being eased any time soon, as far as I know.

idk, they rolled it here out after people got vaxxed here anyway.
the way it works is similar to astrazenica so I would expect similar side effects.

it's toxic shite too

Well pfizer, moderna, J&J, and astrazenica are all basically using RNA with various different delivery techniques. This one is a completely separate (traditional) vaccine that has nothing to do with RNA. So I was hoping it's safer.

Seen these threads before. Low key psyop novavax shilling. kys op.

only inactivate vaccine is safe, protein unit will kill you as well

>Is this untested experimental drug better than the other untested experimental drugs?

You're rolling a die, buddy.

You've seen them before because there are people who don't want to get vaccinated but need to look for the least bad option because we don't have the privilege of being neets and hiding in our basement for the rest of out lives. This was one of the few vaccines that was supposed to be the least bad, which is why people make threads about it. Obviously no one here has gotten it though, so I guess I can't get any real feedback.

Do you have any sources for protein units being harmful as well? I'm not surprised if that's true, but I'd like to read more about it.

pfizer and moderna are mRNA.
J&J and AZ are protein based.

>J&J and AZ are protein based
No they're not, they're viral vector, so essentially mRNA as well. You fucking retard.

Where are you going that requires vaccination? I haven't found any place that doesn't also accept negative test within 24-72hrs, with a 2nd one a few days later in some cases.
In any case there are tons of doctors who "vaccinate" just need to ask around in a non-retarded manner,
Worst case pay a homeless dude to take your ID and do it. My neighborhood heroin hobo has gotten vaxxed like 8 times making $100-200 a pop

My understanding is that J&J and AZ are basically RNA as well at their core, they just have the extra step of getting it into your system via viral vector.

The problem isn't the destination, it's that you can't get on a plane in Canada without being vaxxed

So what do they do for those who are medically exempt?

It doesn't matter which one you get. If you let them stick something in you to regain your basic human rights, you've lost. Join the protests instead.

It's all MRNA, any other statement is jewish aids. /thread

I got hives all over just because I was around a jabbie

I’m not getting jabbed for shit but this is the only one that was actually tested the real way then phizer threw a hissy fit and the fda basically told them to fuck off for a few years

>J&J and AZ
Are adenoviral vector "vaccines" (chimp flues modified to deliver the desired mRNA to the cell)

I caved and got vax in Jan because my job required international travel. Feel like shit ever since. I only got it because I'd have to quarantine if I didn't and I was told my job wouldn't facilitate. My advice, if you can go without absolutely having to take it, do so. I had Pfizer and moderna, moderna a is the one that messed me up

Novavax is explicitly not mRNA. It's raw covid spikes contained in fluid, that train your immune system. The spikes are manufactured within your body for all other vaccines, and your body receives instructions (mrna) in fluid.