Is leftism really that bad?

Is leftism really that bad?

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It's not just bad. It's LE bad.

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Europe is free because of our NATO money. You're welcome.

also, sage.

> ITT Amerifags thinking free healthcare and affordable education is a leftist thing

But it is. Leftism means state controlled services. Tax payed healthcare and educatuon is controlled by the state

is college really that good?

There is a cost for college in all these countries, it's just a matter of who bears it. It would be interesting to see a comparison of the real cost among these countries

>Leftism means state controlled services.
How are roads, schools and emergency services and general infrastructure funded in the US? Do you pay 0 taxes?

Yes. Our colleges are free but low quality. Also everybody who can write a complete sentence thinks he needs a degree. We have way to many students and too little people doing work that require using your hands.

This. Also most college degrees aren’t actually worth it as a ROI. Some things like gender studies or private art school classes which specifically do not have a return on investment should absolutely not be provided for free from taxpayers.

It’s really just liberal indoctrination.

YouTube has free college courses in every subject imaginable. Forcing everyone to pay for kids to be indoctrinated in places that teach lies like cultural Marxism is really dumb.

>chile: free

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When we socialized our system we were a small homogeneous nation with high taxes, and that was ok because you got something for it. America has always been a multikulti corporate nation which make it hard to socialize.
Tbh Sweden should make something similar as the US since the tax burden would drop because i dont pay for mohammeds dental.

the well known european countries of chile and brazil

We pay plenty of taxes but half of the federal budget essentially goes to the military and states/localities are generally run by retards that fail to provide decent services in comparison to the level of taxation

I think those should be funded through donations not taxes

Sweden actually had laissez faire capitalism when it had the highest economic growth

>tfw you have no water pipes nor electricity connections because no one within your area donated

Just communism brainwashing in social and humanities in math and other sciences almost in Chile is like any other 3rd world country and not free only for 40% most poor

"FREE" lol
nothing is free in this fuckin and pro communist world

American colleges are already like that but you have to pay for it

Nothing is free, faggot.

Capitalism and communism are the two sides of the same shekel

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Where I live, you get your water and electricity from private companies

Not if you're a useless fuck.

The problem is that the US half asses everything as usual.
Cucks couldn't make universal single payer higher education, so instead the fed backed student loans. Skyrocketing the cost.
They couldn't make universal single payer healthcare either, so they came up with a bullshit insurance guarantee scheme. Again, skyrocketing the costs.

Chile and Brazil have a mixed system with Public and Private colleges.
Public ones got higher reputation in Brazil but are literal shitholes. Would not recommend
>inb4 brrrrr seething
Then in Chile the best colleges are private.

So no, it doesnt work. Cheers.

in peru those are owned by either private or public companies
per head, the state owned ones are several times more expensive yet somehow of abysmal quality. I have never seen a private highway with holes. The easiest way to know when the private highway ends is seeing a sudden decline in quality, into unpainted roads with blurry lines.

My cousin lives in an extremely fancy neighborhood (camacho). The district pays the same for their roads as most of the other sections i.e. a lot but ends up shit quality. The only sections with no potholes are crowdfunded by neighbors.

tldr fuck off

Ameripoors are far too eager and desperate to hand over endless trillions to Israel, the military-industrial complex, private prisons, financiers, pharmaceutical companies, privately owned hospitals, and corporations.

The idea they could stop subsidies for profit driven industries is absolutely beyond them, so the idea they could have universal healthcare and access to higher education via taxes is frightening to them. They'd literally rather pay more in taxes, insurance, and co-pays for health than have to stop funding the bloated for profit industry.

How about paying no taxes?