I said what I said

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Nigger names are funny

>No refuge could save
>the hireling and slave
>From the terror of flight,
>or the gloom of the grave:
Based, fuck poor people

>venerated as sacred


Counting blacks as 3/5ths was entirely the venerated North's idea, because they wanted the South to have less people so they'd have fewer members in the House and also fewer electoral votes in presidential elections.

Ppl here know this, but if you point it out in the normiesphere, you are a rayssst.

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That’s not the history of the “3/5 compromise”.

did anyone even ask him or is he just spouting his current stream of consciousness?

maybe its just black people that are trash
3/5ths was way too generous

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3/5ths compromise was meant to weaken southern slave States. Slave States wanted slaves to be counted as a whole person which would have given them more power vie Census counts giving them more representation in the house. 3/5ths count meant less power for slave owners so that the Northern States could work toward eliminating Slavery.

The idea that black people were 3/5 of a person is ludicrous. The Constitution studiously avoids mentioning black people or slaves, and the "3/5 clause" refers not to individuals but to an aggregate population of non-cotizen residents.

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The United States has decayed as a concept and the subhuman maggots infesting its corpse are unworthy of "intepreting," the constitution. I think we should disband both constitutional law and the SCOTUS so I don't have to witness any more corruption of the work of the founding fathers.

damn I didn't know black people had an average IQ of 300. All the racists were wrong after all.

Whatever fat nigger, go back to Africa and become lion food if you don't like it where you live.

Because the slaves were property, not people retard. The South deserved everything they got for buying the africans the jews were selling and the jews will get what they deserve for bringing over the africans.

>hireling = German mercenaries
>slave = British conscripts
Both were despised by Americans who were free men fighting for their own land.

Never, ever listen to niggers or jews

the 3/5 clause was not repealed...


>we hate the founding document of this country
Yes. And this is why they don’t belong here.

Not my problem.

The North freed them and and gave them political power. If everything went according to Yankees' plans, things would be even worse than they are.

back into your cagey, wagie

Kill yourself
Don't engage faggots Ike that in good faith.

>non sequitur
Not sure if bot or kraut

Nothing pisses me off more than the 3/5 compromise was racist. It was literally win for abolishinists. Slave owners wanted slaves to be counted as full citizens without the ability to vote so they could gain congressional seats. Fuck these no history having niggers

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It wasn't 3/5 "human" it meant 3/5 counted towards seats in the house of representatives as well as tax burden and electoral votes. The south wanted them to be worth 1 seat and the north wanted them to be worth 0 seats.

The existence of the 3/5 compromise is evidence of a will to abolish slavery, not encourage it.