Sad thing the troops get this shit quality while leaders drive in mercedes benz

Attached: f8bd0b0b9f30404d.webm (1280x720, 808.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How are they going to fuck up like that in front of putin?

Car: Uaz Patriot

Jesus christ, how did they let this go public

putin missed opportunity to smile big for the camera and crawl over driver side

because they dont actually censor shit in russia like they told you they do

this whole thread is full of cope-posts

I love these goofballs. I hope they keep making the homosexual west seethe.

Attached: 1646166283447.jpg (918x518, 74.53K)

Putin inspecting new car Lada Granit, doesnt start for many times...
With sound:

Attached: a3d8c542972d5838.webm (426x240, 949.3K)

Wholly shit this is the war in a bit shell
Is this cgi?

>RT is propaganda though

Nut shell fuck you spellcheck!

>because they dont actually censor shit in russia like they told you they do
imagine being such a retarded ccp shill that you could say something this wrong and disgusting with flinching
kys Chang

Also CNN and Fox

sorry bro but I won't support Ukraine

imagine being this retarded holy shit. Can you even get dressed without help?

Heres the original file video sound:

that's a chrysler isn't it? they were inspecting nato stuff

its endearing if anything.

Uaz patriot

They shut down every non-state sponsored media channel. You cant even protest without permission lol

Ok that's kinda funny. Not the worst demo I've ever seen though, at least the product didn't burst into flames or electrocute the operator.


Attached: 1646677015286.png (423x408, 105.05K)

>they dont actually censor shit in russia

Attached: 1643248826920.jpg (640x640, 58.52K)