Scizo peak oil user was right

>Scizo peak oil user was right
>Look at the chart
>We'll be dead in a few years

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Club of Rome is the house.
House always wins.
Ask Paddock or Caesars

No he wasn't. There's a fuck load of oil to get, the shortage is artificial

we need hundreds of nuclear power plants and we needed them ten years ago

*6 months

OY vey you bigot

What does peak oil have to do with this shit? IsnĀ“t it just a peak production and a decline?

>major oil supplier sanctioned to hell, decreasing global supply
>is this peak oil???

Attached: 1441920861236.jpg (534x532, 40.99K)

Schizos were right again, stop the presses

so if you drain all the oil and gas out of an area, which si a polymer there for very bad heat conductor compared to stone and water. it torches the ground of lava earth and conducts the heat upward. how much hotter will it get?

>peak oil
>Artificially murder your supplier

He was right but not the way he intended

"Most people are going to learn a hard lesson"

It takes more energy than we get from the oil. That is not sustainable.

The only real solution.

At some point we can't extract any more oil at this time. Reservoirs refill on a geological time scale.

No it does not, nigger retard

Agreed on nuclear though

>takes more energy than we get from the oil.
Lol retard

How is it cost effective to pump reservoirs full of water or process tar sand?

Fukushima curbstomped any chances of new nuclear plants being built, made the general public afraid of nuclear disaster. The reality is that nuclear is much safer/cleaner than fossil fuels (most on Any Forums know this already), but lack of public support remains the largest barrier to expansion of nuclear infrastructure.

If new nuclear plants open up, it'll likely be due to prohibitive prices on coal, oil, and natural gas. That's going to be the general trend for peak oil IMO: as fossil fuels become scarcer and more expensive, people reactively seek out alternative energy sources.

>How is it cost effective to pump reservoirs full of water or process tar sand?
If you make more money than you spend, that's how. Retard.

If you're expending more and more energy to get energy, at some point you're just breaking even. That is not sustainable.

>just flip flopping between energy and cost
>doesn't understand how any of this works
You're unironically too stupid to have this conversation.

>We'll be dead in a few years
my body is ready

You haven't actually answered anything.
At some point no one can afford to buy the insanely expensive energy because getting it out of the ground and making it usable, like removing the water or sand, increasingly costs more and more.

>it'll get so expensive that the people producing it will stop producing!
Holy God damn fuck. You might be the dumbest mother fucker on the planet. Chapter 2 of Babbys first Econ explains how high prices of a good invite more producers and economies of scale that increase the supply the decrease the price. This isn't new.

You can't die. This is Hell