No more russian flags on Any Forums

Russia is going full north korea and kinda feel sorry for my cool ruskie bros who are normal open people.
Shits fucking insane, imagine seeing no other flags on Any Forums rather than your own.

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Soon they're not even gonna have adidas, a fate worse than death

>cables enter from China

Let me just say cats are fucking disgusting

Don't worry. You will have more free time to have fun with your prices on EVERYTHING.

I dont get it. Russia's economy has no impact on the world. No offense but youre basically a shithole.
Onve we find oil and gas elsewhere, youll be just like you never existed for us.

>Russia's economy has no impact on the world
What a cute sucker.

>Onve we find oil and gas elsewhere
By the time you find it, you will already be emaciated frozen corpses. Humble yourself and endure the Russian bolt.

You know that Europe and the US are now sucking up to Russia's buddys Venezuela and Iran right? You know, the countries they sanctioned because they were supposed to be bad and stuff. Thats like trying to befriend your worst enemy

haha CHUDS

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truly embarrassing shit right here if this is true

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My friend, youre delusional. Your country is a dead shithole and Putin and his gang put the last nail in the coffin.
Its over man. Its over.
Youll be the next country which will have no nightlights, seeing it from space.
Youre full north korea bro, is that what you wanted?

We'll talk to them too, be sure.

it is. They are also in talks with Iran along other "axis of evil".

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Are you kidding? Now we will have nationalization, legal piracy of all brands, we will have a second life, full of resources and opportunities to implement them. You're a clown, you'll see for yourself soon.

Fuck I nearly chocked on my food reading this, go back to plebbit retard.

If they take oil from venezeula and itan, russia is truly finished.
I dont feel so good bros. I like russian people.

I think you missed the part were I said Russia's friends

okay nigger, now im gonna bake a russian thread, only borscht niggers allowed

Also fuck jannies, fuckin ugly reds gave me a 24hour ban because some trannie op nigger posted a thread about mixed mud bunnie nigger babies and i told xer to stop flooding the board with baby garloid pictures kek

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>Too bad you didnt chocked.
Unlike you I aint stupide.

>be able to download shit from the internet
You say it Somalia from the internet world, dumbass. HAHAHAA. I will hack your ass, hide yourself.

Poland has a bigger gdp per capita than russia, youre fucking dumb,you shouldve chocked on your food.

How is the weather in Tel Aviv?