Russian Official Report on US Biolabs in Ukraine: Evidence of War Crimes

>US DoD had biolabs in Ukraine and Georgia where they modified natural diseases with synthetic technology to make them more deadly
>this is called Gain-of-Function research and it's also how COVID was made
>There's evidence the US has deployed these weaponized pathogens against Russia and surrounding countries, including on civilian populations
>when Russia invaded Feb 24 all the biolabs attempted to destroy evidence of these experiments
>they failed because, as it turns out, psychopaths aren't usually as clever as they think they are
>Russian minister just released the first report on the US bioweapon war crimes (sauce below)
>if you are a spiritual person please say a short prayer for a better world where this type of shit doesn't happen
>oh also they were funded by George Soros and Rosemont Seneca (Hunter Biden) because of fucking course they were

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Other urls found in this thread:

▪The analysis of the acts of destruction shows that work was carried out with pathogenes of plague, anthrax and brucellosis in the Lvov biological laboratory, pathogens of diphtheria, salmonellosis and dysentery in laboratories in Kharkov and Poltava. Here are some of them: only in Lvov 232 containers with the casuative agent of leptospirosis, 30 containers with tularemia, 10 with containers brucellosis, 5
containers with plague were destroyed. In total more than 320 (but less than 340) containers. The nomenclature and excessive number of bio-pathogens indicate that the work was carried out within the framework of military biological programs.

▪The curators from the Pentagon understand that if these collections get to Russian experts a fact of violation of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons by Ukraine and the USA will most likely be confirmed. Namely: carrying out work to enhance the pathogenic properties of microorganisms with usage of synthetic biology methods.
Only this can explain a haste with which the liquidation was carried out.

This is only a small part of documents.

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▪At the same time, the activity of the biological laboratories that, according to our data, has been intensified since 2014 and the so-called Ukrainian healthcare system ‘reforming’ programme implemented by the United States have led to an unmanageable increase of hazardous and economically important infections morbidity.

Thus there has been noted an increase of rubella, diphtheria and tuberculosis cases in Ukraine. The incidence of measles has increased more than 100 times. The World Health Organization has declared Ukraine a country with a high risk of the poliomyelitis outbreak.

▪We are considered that in the year of 2007 a strain of African swine fever with high contagiousness was constructed in the Georgian biological laboratory which is subordinate to Pentagon. It`s spread caused significant economic damage to a number of states including Ukraine and Poland and excluded them from a number of pork exporters.

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but don't worry anons: this information has been DEBOONKED and only insane Qanon cultist conspiracy theorists spreading misinformation or disinformation believe that the US government would test bioweapons on civilian populations

as Putin said in his remarks to the airline stewardesses yesterday, the information warfare being conducted by NATO means that we are in "the theater of the absurd, where black is called white and white, black"

his speech is definitely worth reading/watching if you haven't yet- transcript/English subtitles here:

also bonus for the schizos- he may or may not have been edited in by green screen. or maybe he was a hologram like Obi Wan in Star Wars. we're living in the future, it's just like the mooovies

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I dont care. I hope we all die.

Excellent sauce. They were also collecting DNA from ethnic Russians. I guess the Parasite didn't finish Russians

Attached: US taking DNA from Russians.jpg (2500x2500, 1.59M)

But then the US whines...

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Russian activity as of yesterday next to biolab map and previous movements.

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Remember Joseph Moshe? He tried to tell that Ukraine biolabs were dangerous. THEY surrounded him, gassed him, arrested him---and (drum roll) sent him to Israel..,,Parasite HQ.

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none of this shit refer to cvoid chang. You have enough sellouts in your country that would do this for kikes

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Full article. So--they're admitting the biolabs---are dangerous. OH NOES.

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nice. bump.

Who are you yapping at? We all know it's no secret that Soros owned an interest in the Wuhan lab...and we all know he runs Ukraine. We know Russia caught the US taking DNA samples from Russians...what are you saying? That the biolabs in Ukraine are not linked in any way to China labs? Are you OK?

I have also saved Soro's plan for Ukraine.

Attached: Wuflu wuhan lab and George soros.jpg (1199x675, 153.64K)

Vamos Putin carajo, siga domando.

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I highly recommend you save these--

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getting hot

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Yep--Soros has nothing to do with any of this.

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I know its hard for breadtube to understand but you are going to just have to dilate it out.

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well shit. The Goa'ould big boss--directing his Jaffa...and you think it will end when he pops his clogs? Do parasites ever die? (his sons are his legacy to the plan.)

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Who cares? America > Russia. It's your country. This isn't hard.

the end...of the it the end of US as humans?

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The end of us as humans? NOO not possible--well the WEF says differently. Let's hear them in their own words--after all they did tell us about COVID coming and exactly how it would play out. Anyone remember Event 201?
>it's just an exercise
>it's not even real
>it's a conspiracy theory
Now--I wonder, what that Jab is turning "people" into? They told you believe them?

SAVED. Jaysus we're so fucking evil.
>The Bear will leave it's cave forever
And Russia saves the world.
BTW--I heard a "rumor" that when Ukraine is freed--"a large country" is next.
Canada? OZ&NZ? Only time will tell.

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