This is how you get Varg to cope. I mean of course brunettes are white...

This is how you get Varg to cope. I mean of course brunettes are white. The idea that only blondes are white is like the flat earth theory of genetics. Get fucked.

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>same ancestor
What's up bros

Goed, die bruine mediterraan hierboven denkt dat hij een van ons is.

>11K years ago
Earth is 4-5k years old, max.

Hey - don’t you find blue T-shirts really make your eyes stand out

All non-black hair color much all non-brown eye color came from the neanderthals, dumb shit.

Keep up with modern paleontoligy. The oldest upright-walking primate was found in Germany and not Africa, Africans have DNA in them from an extinct hominid that has no genetic trace in anyone but black people, and a ton of other shit.

>Nigger cope

Doesn't one of Varg's kids have brown hair? How does that work according to Varg's retarded theory?

I prefer to say I'm different.

11k years ago there were *brunette* white European people (not necessarily Medd which is not white) the ones up north evolved into blondes.

Khaki and blue combo is best.

Abos also have blonde hair. Entirely different genetic cause, but still.

As long as your nipples are pink you're white in my book

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>Hair and skin color of white people is because latitude far north mkay.
>Everything further north has black hair black eyes brown skin.

I was born blonde, but since I'm a man and not a fagot it turned jet black.

human conciousness is 4-5k year old more like

>I'm not a faggot so I dye my hair like an edgy college kid

>genetic mutations caused by cosmic rays
I wonder if white Europeans mutated...

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You realize most Scandinavians don't have pink nipples right? They're just mutated meds, lmfao.

I ask the same thing.

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Actual retard thinks native Scandis don't have pink nipples. Cope.

If your dick/labia and nipples aren't pink, you are unironically not 100% white. Sorry. Learn to cope.

European people have been through so many calamities, all the while Africans have been rolling around in mud. We divide ourselves and some even believe they owe something to brown/blacks that have had thousands of generations of easy meaningless lives while our ancestors struggled in the face of overwhelming odds. Come together and support each other.

what about green

God made ALL that are to be born WELL beyond making the earth.
The earth is only 4-5k years old, max.

It's a complete mystery. On the other hand mutts like me have hazel which can be a good thing depending on beauty standards.

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Literal white nigger

If you don't have blue eyes and blonde hair you are not white. Your wife and daughters wouldn't even be raped by an invading ethnic force.

In most of the world as a black haired brown eyed faggot you would be recognized as a random local, not a member of a supreme race from north-west

This image is only a partial truth.
There are two types of melanin in humans. And different genes are responsible for each type. Not a mutation. Not a sport. two different genes.

eumelanin makes black and brown colorations. The MC1r gene is responsible for eumelanin.
pheomelanin makes red and yellow colorations.The Slc7a11 gene is responsible for pheomelanin. Slc7a11 is also responsible for important amino acid pathways.

THE MUTATION is that white people turned off the MC1r (eumelanin) gene entirely 11,000 years ago.

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Varg has been pretty accurate on many things but it's pretty dumb to say 'All Europeans are blonde and blue eyed because of the European climate' and then start coping when people point out that the climate in the Mediterranean is much hotter. I mean, what's simpler? That people with white skin and brown features naturally dominated through microevolution in Southern Europe or that there was an ice age which stopped causing millions of blonde and blue eyes people to die and that it will come back one day and kill off all the Mediterranean Europeans?

the idea that blonde hair is only 11k years old and blue eyes 7k is as legitimate as the claim there are no races, only one human race, or that there are 74 genders. It's pseudo-scientific narrative bullshit made-up by compromised scientists and institutes. Blonde hair and blue eyes are recessive, if they were recent developments/mutations, they would have quickly been "drowned out" and absorbed by the, otherwise 100% dark-haired/eyed, rest of humanity. To say fair features happened because of the climate is also largely not true, white Australians are not becoming less blonde with time despite living in tropical climates.

Instead, the reason why a people has majority fair and recessive features is because they have lived for thousands of years as largely homogeneous populations. What people like Varg and so-called 'nordicists' say - to the butthurt and misinterpretation of mutts and other liminal whites - is that the original and unique European features are fair hair and eyes, not brown and darker tones that are also common to and shared with other peoples.

Meds are not white. Meds are mutts. The original European man was brunette, different from a Medd like me.

>Blue eyes gene is recessive
>Somehow there was only one mutated person having blue eyes and now there are millions of them
Absolute bullshit