Why is EVERYTHING racist now?

why is EVERYTHING racist now?

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Boomer nigger, be self less. Kill at least one cop, bitch nigger


Because socially speaking, equality has been achieved.
This means biological differences have become the dominant source of inequality, and it's become apparent in all aspects of life.
But, we're not allowed to say it's biology.

Nutrition, fitness, love, righteousness, God, goodness, happiness, joy, smiles, high fives, positivity, bliss, contentment, laughter, kindness, hope, faith, charity, peace, beauty, and white supremacy. basically any and all good things you can think of, what do they have in common with white supremacy?


Anything beneficial to society is white supremacy

she can stop my racism by relentlessly draining my balls

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>Went to the gym this morning
>Participated in white supremacy
Fuck yeah.

niggers are dumb and fat
so being fit and smart is racist

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Niggers are too stupid to anything other purple drank and food from a box and that’s the white man’s fault. Niggers are also unable to follow their doctor’s advice, white man’s fault too.

All those things can be looked at as a way to aspire to greatness, and this is something browns can't really do.

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EXISTENCE, THE UNIVERSE, AND GOD. Why existence itself is a white supremacist dog whistle.

They want people focused on race so we don't take down the satanists.


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Well said.

Niggers are stupid and whites have been conditioned by jews to take niggers and their clown like behavior seriously.

To lower everyone's expectations and avbilities down to the nigger level. You WILL be a nigger.

because an initially neutral stance towards a stranger is the only precept of wisdom most people grasp and it turned the world into a disgusting virtue signalling circlejerk.

Sorry for living healthy. Guess I'm a Nazi.

racism is just everything your enemy is afraid of or against. racism and nazism are now just terms to get what you want from white people, specifically white liberals because they are the only people who care or are afraid of being labeled as such.
>if you want to know where things are headed for the west look toward the white ethno centric republic that once was the Republic of South Africa
>all of the strategies and schemes of the enemy were deployed there.

Doublethink requires everything be evil at all times

Fitness is correlated with high IQ

low IQ is correlated with poor impulse control; stupid people cannot control short term cravings and desires and they cant plan for the future, nor can they tolerate difficult or monotonous tasks in short bursts for some long term goal

This is why fitness and exercise is definitively a high IQ pasttime

Ergo, since race is obviously correlated with IQ, anything positively correlated with IQ (like fitness) must be racist, according to the lefts standards

> journalists have learned that you will click and share their articles if they write about extremely retarded things
ignore and vibe fr

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>why is EVERYTHING racist now?

Asking that question is really racist.

>Feet out of shot.

Why bother

you can see a bit in the mirror

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because you allowed them to keep on piling on you

The world economic forum owns the media and via the KGB “subversion” process unelected “officials” manipulate ideas in media such as “agenda setting” to exhale the “lower races” (the Yuri Bezmenov’s words — not mine) in an attempt to subvert discussion and disrupt society.

The thing is — this has pushed way too far way too fast and anyone not completely fucking stupid is just irritated and the charade is up because people know world history and notice when Klaus Schwab is bragging about his exploits with a statue of Lenin’s head on his mantle in the background.

not necessarily correlated with high intelligence more like willpower. stupid people can still be into fitness and self improvement but it still requires willpower, something that lazy virtue signalling troons dont have.

Handicapper General when?

just BE racist faggot