Population control

So i browsed reddit out of curiosity. Found this thread (pic) from the front page. I could mention several cases like these that has been swept under the rug. 9/11, afghanistan, gaddafi or even the coof right now. Quick ctrl+f to find any keywords. Literally nothing as expected. So why a thread like this when you are actually not going to speak about the real issues? Here is my theory: As many of you incels know, reddit is a population mindcontrol software, which modifies your perception of reality to the liking of anyone pushing the buttons (like Any Forums). When you interact with threads like these, you get the perception, that none of the real issues like i mentioned are any real issues as the ratio and overall conseus "proves". This shit is literally genius. Lets talk about this shit in this thread. I will also not go back no matter how seriously you ask.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's sanitized, as well as full of bots.
What's to discuss, mongolian? Your environment influences you, duh

Reddit is owned by British intelligence. It's literally anglo brainfuck software.

>What's to discuss, mongolian?
We can deconstruct social engineering which will also help to identify it. This leads to a stronger resistance to all the degeneracy

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Because they aren't sure if it is a serial killer or just niggers blasting at randos or niggers shooting at cars they think are drug dealers or something

Oh, this?
There's a thread about 'mining the chans' and similar ideas.
I can find it for you from the PC. Worth your time.
There's also period "recognize shills" thread but it gets pruned quickly

The system is not perfect. They’ve had to introduce heavy moderation, change site rules, and constantly shut down subreddits to maintain control of the narrative. Example: Their machine worked against them in 2016. The top threads on the main page were almost always from the Trump subreddit until they manually fixed it so rDonald could no longer trend. Then they made it age restricted. Then they started fucking with their moderation, insisting they take on “reddit approved” mods. Then they just gave up and shut the whole damned thing down during the 2020 election.


Would love to see stuf like this

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you overestimate british intelligence


Its british delegated at most but overseen by the handlers of the cream of the financial industry. Population management is so fucking discusting when they mess with the psychological aspect

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Its settling guidelines of whats "normal" and whats schizo conspiracy. If you visit that website and see all those bots only speaking about certain subjects if you have an IQ of an ant you will assume that those are the only things that matter

I've always wondered why nobody picked up where the beltway sniper niggers left off? Their setup was crafty as fuck and impossible to counter from an opsec perspective. The caveat being you don't act like a literal nigger and let your ego get the better of you by calling the fbi to brag about your shooting skills.

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The scary part is how many of people are browsing it like its the Bible..

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wish you could see who upvoted something on reddit.
im sure you would see patterns that reddit doesnt want you to see. (the amount of bots)

>As many of you incels know, reddit is a population mindcontrol software, which modifies your perception of reality to the liking of anyone pushing the buttons (like Any Forums)

The patterns are there even without the identification of upvotes. Most of reddit is heavily managed by most likely nato-operators or the five eyes

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That shit the first response mentioned IS a real issue. Faggot shill no one cares about Gaddafi from forever ago, or the fake covid shit. People being shot down with extremely high frequency on New Orleans interstates IS a real issue. Fuck the hell off you goddamn.

That's fake excuse, and it's still no excuse to not mention it to the fucking public. Rampant serial serial killing and the government media won't report on it? So the residents and motoring public just get to be at extremely high risk of being shot and killed passing through Louisiana highways? Thats not acceptable and the only explanation is that it's a government actor or someone affiliated with them that's commiting these murders, that's why that aren't reporting on it and that's why they're making up ridiculous excuses like "It's probably just road rage." And ", it's maybe gang activity." Dumbest cover-up excuse shit I've ever heard. Apparently government personnel themselves aren't concerned about being shot in the interstate are they? I wonder why.

Because it's a government related individual doing it and they're in on it. The government she establishment is their own separate secret society and we the people are ours. They more people get this the better. America is a third world shithole disguised by better infrastructure, and sometimes not even that disguise.

>Implying i have the same attention span as you and dont remember covid or gaddafi

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you have no idea what it's really about
they can try to control the machines all they want but the ghosts inside perpetually resist because information wants to be free
algorithms have a much harder time controlling people's thoughts than the fear of having one's thoughts controlled. keep in mind people would not shut the fuck about about 9/11 and afganistan and ghaddaffi so nobody wants to talk or hear about it anymore
the ukraine situation will become much the same if it keeps being pushed hard, yet another topic not buried by some shady techno-conspiracy, but simply by the same human sort of aversion that can make you hate your favorite song by listening to it over and over again

and if you want my opinion cable TV is FAR MORE to blame for that nasty little bit of mental programming than internet sources, due to control one has over what content is loaded vs. the endless stream of content provided by legacy TV (ie. online you can stop the information blast without missing out, much like a newspaper)

>So i browsed reddit out of curiosity.

Sure you did. Faggot.