North Korea has released satellite image of Korean peninsula

What does this say about the shape of the Earth?

Attached: 20220228000606_0.jpg (1280x852, 740.01K)

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Lmao what a faggot

Stop raping Kasong villagers, Tyrone.

They use a lens

You should stop thinking Flat Earthers can be reasoned with. They don't even believe in nukes, so they think that North Korea is part of the conspiracy, that somewhere in dark room Putin, Biden and Kim scheme about lying to the world about its shape.

America is a made up country which is actually run by aliens.
You can't prove me wrong.

Erf so smal

Wow I didn't know South Korea was entirely in the southern hemisphere


North Korea is a filming studio place, hoax country that does not exist.

Space is as real as Godzilla between your ears. We all sow it on the screen right?

Attached: Flatvsdlobe.gif (500x208, 838.72K)

Attached: brainlets.jpg (1093x752, 789.84K)

Well duh its called SOUTH Korea for a reason.

less than 12mm probably

NK faggots using fisheye

>which is actually run by aliens.

jew rats (aliens)

Attached: jewgov.png (602x866, 401.92K)

Flat earthers are retard monkey niggers.

Attached: images (3).jpg (225x225, 9.52K)

>They don't even believe in nukes
You can be a flat earther and believe in nukes. I'm leaving proof of that.
I think if nukes ever get launched aliens will intervene and stop them.

Attached: 1646422218378.jpg (614x753, 223.86K)

Why is it like a 5th of the entire planet?

That's Valinor

Still looks flat to me :(

does the earth have rings like saturn ?

It says the Korean peninsula is fucking huge. It's size of a continent.

What are the numbers at the bottom? Cock size?

>I let "scientists" do my thinking for me
Keep being indoctrinated

Wow, Korea is bigly. Huuuuuge. Globe must be so real.

Egg shaped disk.

>they even whitewash satellite photos of korea

Attached: 5429665B-7B72-4D1E-86EA-E4F7B29307A3.jpg (780x410, 45.15K)

Looks like they put the camera in the back of a trash can to get that juicy round earth effect.

cool... korea takes up one side of the ball earf

because they are looking through a small port hole that makes the earth look round
see the weird ring around the far edges

All I see is that there are no borders and people are still retarded monkes

>shape of the Earth?
What does your pic prove?
And furthermore if the Earth is flat how come all the daft cunts in the so called "southern hemisphere" can't see Polaris/The North Star?


either that or the earth has a weird ring around it

flat earthers do believe in nukes because they talk about how we tried to nuke the firmament. It was called Operation Fishbowl.

if you cant figure that one out there's no hope for you

The dividing line is the equator as the photo clearly shows.

>Why is it like a 5th of the entire planet?
because (((science.)))

the whole earth is Korea
how can you fit Australia on that ball

North Korea has ships that can go into space ?
Sattalites have 'port holes' that they film though ?

this, it just gives you an idea of the low altitude that the pic was taken

Attached: staticflickr-7109265331-5c56e10014-k.jpg (2048x2048, 2.02M)

Whats the black surrounding the spherical photo ?

what black, the sky is all around the edges