UK only takes 50 Ukranian refugees

Why has the UK only taken 50 refugees?
Is it because the refugees are not brown?
Britfags explain yourselves

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shamefur dispray

>Is it because the refugees are not brown?
are you surprised?

wtf UK why did you take 50? we said we'd take 'em all

UK hates Slavs.

We're full innit
so fack ourff

so how can we see that list with updated numbers for ourselves?

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This. Slavs are unironically the main reason Brexit happened.

They're not Brown enough. Tell them to black up and we'll take 200,000 a year.

>Is it because the refugees are not brown?
>Not brown

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They aren't brown enough

I heard they were allowed to handpick the darkest nigs of the bunch though.

only neighbouring countries should take refugees. Allowing refugees to travel to their preferred destination just cases problems like we have seen the last many years.

>Poland: 885,303
Jesus Christ, save this country

go back to worshipping Ngubu

Go back to Poland.

I wonder how many of those "refugees" are actually Ukrainians and not niggers and shitskins that gets written off as Ukrainians

>border nations v. second furthest european nation separated by sea

why is germany not even on the list???

Massive redills in this thread:

This is why I don't vote.

go back to worshipping Mehmet

We're getting 10000 every day according to official numbers.

80% are women and children
10% are ukr men who slipped by
10% are mystery meat who take advantage of the chaos

Full of niggers

Some of them are niggers that trampled over women and children to get on the trains.

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>be britshit
>arm hohols to the teeth
>promise them Nato EU n shit
>shit happens.png
>take only 50 refugees

What a race of total scumbag

never trust a kike or an anglo but especially never trust an anglo kike

they're white

we only take brown males.

p.s. we took in all 50 black people who were in ukraine

We're planning to take way more, there are just delays at the moment because the Home Office is famously incompetent and hasn't sorted it paperwork out. As usual Any Forums overreacts to everything like a bunch of gossiping fishwives at the newspaper stand.

Why don’t you guys take some and triple your population with the massive amount of young fertile Ukrainian women? It would truly be a paradise island

if you retards seriously think that all you're getting is "ukrainian" you've got a big shock coming
niggers will use literally any excuse to weasel their way in