The current state of western propaganda

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ok, FSB
prepare more bodybags, Sasha

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kill yourself tankie
your entire ideology is a lie

this is your job now

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what ideology?

Show flag russian faggot.

>defending a CIA planted jew president and a CIA planted jew prime Minister. Both of whom are funded by the US and Israel
Kek as bad as zogbots

>logical facts depend on flags
can you be more pathetic than this?

Explain to me why Russia has the right to treat a sovereign nation as its buffer state

>Explain to me why Russia has the right to treat a sovereign nation as its buffer state
look up the Realist theory of International Relations.
Russia's right comes from USA's Monroe Doctrine

>you can't defend your home or family, if your country has like some geopolitical meaning, o-ok?
ok, FSB. your country will implode, enjoy return of soviet era

>Logical facts
HahahahhahahahahhHahahaha ""Logical facts""

I think you're going to have a heart attack if you seethe so much, please calm down and take your 5th booster


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About as real as Israel or Afghanistan. Jej I'll be laughing when Ukraine capitulates by the end of the week.

>my homeland
Which historically was Russian.
>my homeland
Which was full of niggers, Indians, and adopted gays and trannies in record speed after the coup.

Try again nigger.

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Globohomo buffer states are not “countries”

>Ukraine is Russia
That's like saying India is British.

you do realize this picture is false, and all those "heroes" who said "go fuck yourself" actually surrendered?

>gets arrested and released

So it's okay for mexicans to invade and destroy your country since you have such a retarded president?

preemptive war can be an act of self-defense
go read a book

>implying it isn’t

>On 10 June 1917, the Ukrainian Central Council declared its autonomy as part of the Russian Republic
Can you tell me when Ukraine existed before they were set up as an autonomous zone of Russia?