Just got a $220k job offer as a software engineer but it requires vaccination proof but they said they are offering...

Just got a $220k job offer as a software engineer but it requires vaccination proof but they said they are offering exemptions. Does anyone know any pastors who can offer a religious exemption?

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Just make a fake, its easier

imagine being a software fucking engineer and being unable to make a fake vaccination card on ms paint


Imagine thinking you can use God for your own purposes

do a trip in albania faggot, they will do a vaccine card for your dead unexisting brother too kek

>work software
>do it in person
>require vaccination
the absolute state of companies

Not a pastor my friend. What you really need is an imam.

Attached: avatars-000590766045-crk0b1-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 60.75K)

I'm not going to do some illegal shit like that retards

To make matters worse, most of these positions are remote.

tell them you already have aids

Do you still have vaxx mandates?

Attached: 1440244116038.jpg (300x300, 26.58K)

>my religion forbids it
>no I will not elaborate further

cuck, ask your doctor for some fake bs health exemptions

It's not illegal you stupid fuck

Did you already get covid? Just say your immune.

It is up to 3 y


In the private sector, yes. The insane part is that fifteen months after the mRNA gene therapy treatments were approved by the FDA, Americans still have no other choices. Institutional capture in action.

You don't need a church for am exemption. You just look up a list of accepted exemptions, there's even websites that coach you on what to say. From what I've seen the strongest exemption regards fetal cells or saying your religion doesn't allow allopathic medicine at all

>government makes sucking cocks mandatory
>OP: I'm not going to do some illegal shit retards
>*sucks cock*

who cares about a piece of paper, i always use the vaxcard from a friend of mine..the problem is if some waggie ask me for QR or something (they never do here, but still). I gladly pay if someone sneaks me into the vaxxtard database. I just want to travel again

I found a vax card on the ground somewhere, pay me a thousand bucks and I'll send you a scan of it to edit/photoshop

Quit larping. Anyone getting a $230K job offer isn’t going to run to Any Forums to ask a question.