If you can’t check off twenty of these boxes, you’re too incompetent to be racist...

If you can’t check off twenty of these boxes, you’re too incompetent to be racist. The best thing you can do for your race would be to suck off a shotgun and raise the mean IQ of your people

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I'm 2/3/4/4.5

>Bat Guamo calling anyone inferior

>Moved out from parents
Does it count if my mother is physically disabled and needs my help?

Only if you fuck her daily

>Have traveled out of the country in the past 18 months
What is it with normies and the travel meme? Why is traveling seen as the pinnacle of what a successful life is? What is so wrong with settling down, creating a family, and being part of a community?

manlet cope for shit that that normal sized humans could do in high school.

you are aware that there are other boards right?


getting there

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Over head press, bench, squat and deadlift those are called compound lifts. New lifters aim to reach 1/2/3/4 means loading the barbell with one, two, three and four plates for each side in the corrispective coumpond and lifting it for 5 reps. A plate weighs 45 pounds or 20,4 kg.

be more obscure guys

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You forgot one OP:

>A credit score of 700 or higher.

Or some similar way of putting briefly that you're fiscally responsible and pay your debts.

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Lmao you weak dyel faggot

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I will give you a hint, it is a measure of physical prowess. now get to googling.

Lmao at britshits

You fucking retard. It's a flex. You GET to leave that community briefly, take your family, and go somewhere new. You pay for hotels because you can and dine out every day for a week, all while buy dumb consumerist nic-knacks and mementos.

It's all to say 'I can afford this'. At least now for a lot of people, and how the travel industry is going.

But I wouldn't let that stop you from going to places you might be curious about. Thats supposed to be the point. Hobbies esp. outdoor hobbies can inspire you to maybe go somewhere. For instance, I don't really have an interest in going to france for their tourism in the classical sense, but skiing in the alps sounds dope... I wouldn't wanna travel there if I didn't have the love for skiing.

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so far from making it i'm kinda glad i'm still cruising along tbdesu

Most of these are incredibly arbitrary, it seems more like a list of what some guy thinks successful people live like. What book did you read this month, OP? What skill did you learn? Go ahead and post a picture of your happy, hot girlfriend.

You made a bingo card so people online could validate you and your life
Things might be going well for you but deep down something is wrong, you feel insecure, and this is why you’re acting this way

kek once you hit 40 you'll just be happy to survive somehow xD

no one gives a shit about you anyway, almost all described in this bingo is completely wasted effort

>involved in community that provides happiness
Not possible. No, churches are fake and gay. Everything else is attainable though for most, apart from hot gf

Wow I didnt check any of those
Did I win ?

your bait sucks
fuck you

the individualist mind rot has fully taken hold of the american psyche

That's it. Finlands aplication to join nato has been rejected.

>have a hobby that isn't lifting
>also be muscular and in excellent shape
what is this bullshit

for me, it's 0 boxes

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