R/Antiwork is now far more popular than r/Jobs

What does this mean for society, pol?

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Means Reddit's a bunch of spoiled, entitled twats.

it means more career opportunities for those who want it.

Boy am I glad to have been birthed into this great world full of good people and interesting things to do

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>t.wont take a jab for the safety of everyone around him

It means my market value would increase and I'll get paid more while you stagnate being dependant to the state. To avoid this, big business will lobby for increased immigration to replace the competition and keep wages level. Nothing happens but ethnic replacement

Nobody is gonna do anything for you, kikes.
Time to get eaten by your nigger pets, no more taxie welfare funtime.


Never gonna make it, wagie.

#7 is my favorite. Can you get anymore Jewish than this?

Considering it's reddit, I really couldn't give two shits. They're only slightly behind twatter on the absolute cancer scale.

Being antiwork doesn't make sense unless you want complete societal decadence or you want to go back to tribal living

antiwork is kind of split between retards who think that the concept of "work" shouldn't exist and they should just get gibsmedats from the state, and the other half who are pretty much wagies that are sick of getting fucked over for shit pay

How do I joint Reddit?

it means the losers on reddit are a provable drain on society

Tribal living is literally the only way. Language was a fucking mistake

Slavs and Meds in general are "antiwork" which is why they all live in shitholes while the Protestant Northerners are fabulously wealthy.

Means it’ll be easier to get a job now there are few anxiety riddled redditors out there

It means anyone that's enough of a faggot to still browse reddit is also a lazy piece of shit.

Imagine browsing Reddit for a job kek

It's why MIT said society is done for in 20 years. That's when all the boomers die and these anti-work fags meal ticket expires resulting in a 1000 fold homeless population, supply chain collapse, and inevitable societal collapse. Can't entirely blame them for having no incentive to work either. This site itself supports the notion that someone working at a gas station and playing a part in allowing society to function should be rewarded with food stamps and total financial ruin should a moderate vehicle failure occur all so that the bernsteins raking in oil industry money can have a 6th mega mansion in the hills. Hell it won't even take 20 years, so many people are unwilling to work already the only thing open past 9pm is fucking taco bell.

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Just go there and make an account, use a burner email ofc.

How do these people get money?

It means unemployed losers have more time to play on the internet... ? Duh?

>t. butthurt plebbitors

It means Reddit Is filled with lazy autists as much as Any Forums is.