Can Any Forums save this communism riddle?

i might express my deepest doubts

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if it is an african farmer the answer is rape and murder

9 you people is fucking retarded and shit

Zero. The IMF refinaced the farmer and now takes all the hay as interest payments.

>9 hay stacks
>how many would you have if you COMBINED them

5 + 4 = 9 you dumb pigskin

0 because he only owns 2 fields, so he'd put the haystacks on someone else's property

Ook ook ook, aak aak!

He would have one combined hay stack in a new field


I know damn well you know that’s not the answer and you’re sat there, right now, giggling like a school girl about it
Keep up the good work, son


You have to assume the stacks are literal piles and not already baled, which is how hay is actually stored.

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Depends on how you interpret combined.

round up

I said 9 at first but I still don't see how that's wrong, nothing in this riddle indicates that they're all being combined together, by "combined them all in another" field that could just mean lining them up next to each other in said field, the riddle isn't specific about it.

in my hayfair

i literally rerack my count at 5 a

one because it'd just be a super haystack

Fuck off Riddler.

If it's about communism, the answer is 0. Farmer has no private property.
Russian joke: If communists were living in the Sahara desert, they'd run out of sand.


Thanks for playing along jamal


In just going to combine them into two equal piles.

he said combine them, and all the hay stacks combine to be one big hay stack.

i know niggers arn't good with abstract concepts but pretend you had 9 different piles of your slain children soldiers and then you push them all into one pile.

it helps if we use metaphors with objects we are likely to experience in life, the grain was a low blow from the ever proud wyte man

I want to fuck Zoe Kravitz in the butt.

>all the hay stacks combine to be one big hay stack.
says literally who, there's no reason why I can't just combine them in a field by tying them together or some shit, Id still have 9 seperate haystacks it just depends on what you consider "combined" the word itself is stupid.

‘Combined them all’ could refer to the farmer dumping them in one big pile (which would make 1) or just putting them all together (still 9). I can only conclude this is a poor attempt from a turbo retard communist take make some person on the right feel stupid after being gaslit

>Fuck off Riddler.

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so when did you move to the UK and what made you want to leave america?

Not an argument, again, what's stopping me from combining 5+4 into 9 separate stacks in a different field? Moreover why the fuck would anyone make a single giant haystack?

Overall this is less of a riddle and more of a linguistic trick, both options are technically correct.

because if he said combine them, the most basic interpretation of the sentence without additional context is to assume he.... combined them.

he didn't group them together which I think is what youre interpreting. mind you this could very well be a regional thing for english man, idk.

still kinda seems weird that you'd stop "combining" them before theyre fully "combined" when the instructions given are that theyre "combined".

yeah that word doesnt sound right now.

None because I would eat them all

Judging from these posts, more accurate to call you the nigler

0 because you do not own your land or crops under communism
see: starving ukrainies in 1930s

>>can Any Forums save this communism riddle?
he no longer has any hay

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>>>> Russian invasion, day whatever.

To avoid the constant harrassment, I have swapped my vpn to america. I may have given myself away, but you should see these american oligarchs, flaunting their impervious wheat wealth.

No it's black people, it's always black people, that's all we're allowed to think about.

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95% of white people live far away from the nearest arable land that they wouldn't cover the distance on foot in 1 day

Ruralchads represent


t. 200 IQ


9 obviously

Attached: Haystack.jpg (600x400, 97.48K)

When I eat 10 haystacks

when you've taken lsd

Binary 1010

10 "1s" + 10 "0s" = 10

beware of this fake riddler

Attached: realriddler.jpg (1600x1600, 911.74K)