You thinking what I’m thinking

You know how Singapore has voluntary sterilization? We should advocate for Voluntary Sterilization clinics. Since shitskins are stupid, most of them will take the 'free' gibs. This way you could create your white ethnostate without killing shitskins. We can pay non-whites to sterilize themselves! Genius!!!

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Nice United Islamic States of America you have there in a few years, retard.

That's a man

>eu flag
Shut up kike

>This way you could create your white ethnostate without killing shitskins.
We could also just deport them.


men have very recognizable ribs and stomachs

Doesn't Greeks have one of the smallest cocks on earth only slightly above Indians?

Why are goth sluts so kino. How do I get one.

that's a man and you are gay

>Since shitskins are stupid, most of them will take the 'free' gibs.
They may be stupid but they aren't cucked.

trannyposting needs to be a bannable offense. trannies are not a significant voting block, therefore politically irrelevant.

You already have a board where you can ask other deranged dysmorphic people how you pass.

You're back

Fuck sterilization just offer every nigger 1 million in reparayshuns that also renounces their citizenship and a plane ticket to africa.
We would make that money back pretty quickly with all the gibs, court costs, prisons, probation officers, lowered crime rate etc.

You just invented planned parenthood. Margaret Sanger the founder was a eugenicist.

Early release from prison.

Give them gift cards and movie tickets like vampire blood drives do for the most precious resource in the galaxy

>Huge Hellenic Horse Cock

Does it still have a hole?

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We need to put something in the non-pork food and eat only pork for a year or so, for good measure. Trikinosis is a fair price to pay to get rid of the muzzies. But how to get rid of the DDPs?

I know Singapore in an NWO stronghold. Fuck them. Dystopian abomination.


I like this plan.


eternal reminde that you got GERMANED just like the Italiankikes

The US will never be an ethnostate. There won't be another civil war either. White Americans should just move back to Europe because you won't be able to change the inevitable.

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>5k Cash
desu that would do it. It would just immediately flow right back into the economy and we would see a bunch of car, tv, and video game console sales.

you think that's a tranny kek virgin

It would just end up the same as planned parenthood. It'd get taken over by those shit skins and turned against whites. Just shoot the nigger. Quit being a chicken shit with underhanded schemes. You a kike or something?

Kikes control that shithole you fucking jew. Don't pretend we don't know the score.

I support paying non-whites and low-IQ whites to get sterilized.

Up the ante to a pair of shoes and I bet they line up around the block.

Agree. First step of culling the masses is to have the retards do it to themselves. The people dumb enough for the sterile jab are already done in. With this should clean up many more undesirables

do it

you know who is also completely fucking retarded?
of all races.
no, what we need is something that works far better on niggers than it does on others.
for an example.
open conflict.

What we need is to stop being bitches. We need to organize to help each other both economically and spirituality. The rest will come by itself.

the odds of being correct when replying "that's a man" are about 30/70 these days

No thanks, I'd rather advocate for rape gangs and converting my enemies by force.

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And we could advertise them as "safe and effective". People would flock to them.