Why did Le Pen go soft?

Why did Le Pen go soft?

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The video with her and Natalia meeting is so sweet. :)

let me guess, jew

Marion is a poison for the Lepen familly.

I would suck the poison of out that family

Because israel always wins, goyim

>le whore
Freemasons jews everyone.

She went softer and softer to try and get more votes, but people still consider her as le nazi regardless.

Z is the future.

>His parents were Berber Jews from Algeria
the face of france's "far-right"

Attached: Paris_-_Salon_du_livre_2012_-_Eric_Zemmour_-_001.jpg (1200x1709, 472.33K)

Who cares macron won

She never recovered from the last election and by trying to make her party more mainstream she lost the support of big names from her party and in general from the more right wing population

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I was just gonna ask, they’ve actually met?

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>Z is the future.
you mean the russian invasion?

linked up, spottemgottem pooh shiesty style

The jew zemmour is the zoomers choice it is obvious.
I have played crab game on european servers several times, and all of the french speaking servers were always called something like "heil zemmour", zoomers love that jew

Zemmour is like Philip Roth. He is one of the rare Jews who is based. You can tell which sorts of Jews these are by the way all the other Jews are aligned against them.

Jesus Christ Himself was one such based Jew.

Her mother was a whore, marion us an illegitimate child made during a fling with a jewish journalist who worked for mossad.

Oooft Le Penis btfo

Divide and rule

Zemmour loves France, that's all you need to know


french people are smarter than that

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Le Pen?
I thought you just called them a Bic


correct, and gets shilled here like he's some e-celeb to follow on youtube, plus media propaganda like OP's pic subtly trying to to get people invested in him

the dude screams controlled opposition

le penn fucking sucks as opposition but at least she's actual opposition

Don't doubt they are going to claim he has Russian connection because of his past talks about using diplomacy with Russia, general euroscepticism and for not being a fan of the Muttistan NATO empire

Zemmour is the only one who can save France. If he doesn't win, I suggest some frog user becomes a textbook globohomo politician just to nuke all of Europe. If France cannot be saved, the rest of Europe will fall too. It is better to end it while we're still European rather than letting us become mongrelized mutts like Americans or Brazilians.

She committed the sin of bestiality with a Moroccan Yid.

Take the green pill. Humanity is vile.

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Le Pen

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It would take too much time to explain that to you, go back to the factory, I need some PPU ammos right about now.

>french people are smarter than that
Lol, the majority of Europeans wants their own race dead because... People with power and influence said so

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Yes. There used to be a YouTube video of them meeting each other in person. But it looks like the video is no longer up. Might still be out there somewhere.


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The French far-right's candidate, a nafri Jew.
Holy shit this fucking timeline