What's the point of desegregation if the spawns of it want a place to segregate to?

What's the point of desegregation if the spawns of it want a place to segregate to?

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El atrocidad

They should go to Brazil

They belong somewhere. It's just not in this galaxy.


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I work overnights so I rarely go out during the day or interact with people. But it was 70 yesterday so I woke up early to go get some sun and walk around the park and jesus christ there are so many mutts and quadrons roaming around my little town. Its disgusting

send them to toronto.
we will have a designated dumping ground for all the subhumans

They're confused on a biological level.

... and they would be correct.

fuuuck, me too...

Don’t worry, one more generation and we will create the Mutt Race that will rise from the ashes. The Mutt race will remind everyone they are mixed with different bloods. German/Swiss, English/Irish, American white/Hispanic, American White/American. Guess what buddy, your blood ain’t pure. As long as you’re not Jew blood you’re allowed into the Mutt Race!

Not a mulatto or mestizo, but I don't belong anywhere, really.

>frizzy hair mulattos

When your physiognomy tells you somethings wrong with you.

Yeah this is my life I’m a mixed kid

Whites have been way kinder but I wish I was 100% something either way

okay, "pureblood"

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What mix?

I'm mixed white/middle East and I agree. It fucking sucks. I try to explain this to normies but they're too retarded to listen. It makes sense why the elite want to turn us all into a racially mixed mess. Then there will only be one in group mentality to control, market and sell products to.

Wretched fucking creatures. Piteous.

Yeah, whites are WAY kinder. It's actually insane how non-racist and accepting most white people are compared to any other race.

Keep your trash to yourself, mutt


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We really are happier when we mostly associate and stay with our own kind.
I don’t mind working with the occasional negro or spic, as long as they’re good workers but I’d rather not live near them and I never want their sons coming near my daughters. And I think most non-whites agree with this but you got the media pushing race mixing.

This. Don't do it. It's mentally taxing on you kids.

agreed spic here, most spic mixes are very accepted in the spic community, but niggers hate anyone who is lighter than them

>don't belong anywhere
Read about 'hybrid zones' to find out why

I find that Flips are more accepting than others, because it's common there.

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White kids treat me like immigrant, immigrants treat me like white kid.

Never gave a fuck, was always a loner with a high pussy count and lots of cash.

Im not sure if it were much different if i was white or brown. People are very stupid and jealous. Id prbly have the same problems if i was pureblood.

Would totally date an albino Asian woman.

Abomination Mutts belong in America.

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The point of it was exactly the creation of spiteful mutants permanently unsatisfied, unhappy and inherently ruined, so that state wnd private actors could fill them with new, manufactured identities, artificial traditions, and dependancy traps.

I agree. Negro mutts stay here.