What happened to White Americans?

How did whites in USA get this way? My guess is the left pushing "colorblindness" and the right pushing "god and country" but who really knows anymore.

To be white in USA is to be a helper of oppressed nonwhites. To be nonwhite in USA is to be a self-promoter so you overcome oppression. This paints quite a picture: the majority white population helping ethnocentric nonwhites take over. And that is exactly what happened.

Attached: ugayevu.jpg (500x425, 40.84K)

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>baby's first post

all of divisiveness can we even try to be at peace again? The left keeps pushing and pushing and pushing. Come on it gets old, let's go and try to form a better future where we can participate in human progress.

And how many of that 15% consider it a negative thing? Masochist leftist sure think that whiteness is part of their identity and they do everything to compensate that "evil"

Babbys first redpill?

Regardless of religion or non belief many white Americans kneel for others. It’s such a strange suicidal disease.

Tricked by jewish propaganda.

>*inhales deeply*

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25% of african americans are intelligent, and transcendental.

God bless us all. Hopefully we can get that number up and live in a post racial harmony

Sometimes you gotta go back to step one.

its all about DIVERSITY..
> diversity in color, not in thought

2/2 but they keep censoring, they keep heavy-handed forcing evberyone to comply. Is this really the future they want? Orange man bad, sure I get it. But wtf does that have to do with anything right now? Collapsing currency, food shortages, oil prices going, Russia-Ukraine killing each other. And the they want to keep going on about race nonstop. They already own all the major companies with the WEF, the websites in reddit, twitter, wikipedia, facebook. Will they ever be satisfied? Is their entire motivation hatred of people who disagree with them? What a waste of life, to focus in on and dig your heels and proclaim things that have been going on for tens of thousands of years as being -ist, -phobic, or "white supremacist". They don't apply the same standards to any other ethnic group. They are motivated by hatred, they want to kill, murder, destroy

white and black are made up terms

Every time I go to visit family on the states I never fail to have a racist encounter with someone no matter how polite I try to be. So if your concern is that the population of racists like yourself is decreasing? Don't even worry about that. There are still plenty.

>To be white in USA is to be a helper of oppressed nonwhites.

Attached: white minority.jpg (676x767, 131.52K)

Whites got psyoped by the civil rights movement, egalitarianism, and (civic) nationalist propaganda.

Pretty much sums up white people today.


Attached: Ec0B84tXkAAXXan.png (675x1200, 1010.68K)

Blacks say racism is systemic against them, but then they say shit like this?
Does your skin colour matter or not??

We should revisit the basics, especially with all of the anqueefa raids lately. Normies need to know this shit.

It matters to them when they don't have equality...

...of outcome.


>listening to them for guidance
Not going to FUCKING making it