Jews have done a 360 and are mass advertising increasing pure white birthrate

Jews have done a 360 and are mass advertising increasing pure white birthrate.

This is because of China, Russia, and Jews have astonishingly discovered that what they were doing in the west that whites didn’t like wasn’t good. Jews have also collectively rejected Judaism.

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Other urls found in this thread:

And then he woke up

Yeah they're scared

Hey, either you're ready, or you're not ready. Are you ready?

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They accidentally convinced jewish women to spawn black jews

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Black Jews are gonna make you miss regular niggers and regular Jews, Well, maybe not the latter, but you get my point. I just need people to understand how uppity a nigger Jew would be.

a 180 or a 360

To anime irl/transhumanism.

Jews are all Nazi lovers. Yin and yang.

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Absolute bullshit.

>there is no 4d chess and you're just getting ethnically cleansed

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you're gonna do have to alot of cocksucking if you want whitey to forgive you

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Holy shit user. I never considered this Frankenstein scenario.

They exist, nigger. Doja Cat is a black Jew (blew)

Attached: EwkqqoSWQAM760z.jpg (610x882, 132.33K)

Drake is a blew

Trevor Noah is a blew

Attached: 05-drake-press-2021-billboard-1548-1630682751.jpg (1024x677, 132.88K)

mamzers not jews but what ever helps you sleep at night

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Jews are famous for their constant 360's. Every time someone thinks they've convinced the Jew the error of its way, its right back, full circle doing the same shit.

That's a common, non jew-specific, power-move, and only works when indeed you have the power (over the other one) to do so: you agree to his fucking bullshit, so he shuts the fuck up already, and move on, because what he is gonna do? lol.

360? or you mean 180?

Ashkanazim has underestimated the threat of oriental/Mizrahi Jews — the low IQ brown Jews unite together can be very powerful, which is an unforeseen threat by many Ashkenazi Jews.

I want Sucy to suck my dick.

Gotta keep their favorite tools around for a bit more

>360? or you mean 180?
my first reaction
>lmao newfag
then I realized
>it's a meme from the fucking 2006
>chances are you an underage poster that wasn't even born then

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