The 'vaccinated' are fucking weird and stupid

Didn't notice it the first 6 months or so, but they're definitely changing. Cloudy. Forget shit. Not as sharp. You notice it more in a corporate environment where you've seen the same people every day for a while and suddenly they're looking and acting differently, slower on tasks, just forgetting shit and acting full-on retarded at times. Probly the prions or spike proteins... whatever it is, it pisses me off and also, frankly, scares the shit outta me.

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yeah bro 2 more weeks until all the vaxxed normies die trust the plan etc for real this time

it kills people who doubt it

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it kills people and gives them autism as much as it protects them from covid. that is to say not at all. might as well have injected them all with sugar water.

I got vaccinated because I figure something is so small that I can't see it, it doesn't exist and even if it does it can't be harmful. Nature wouldn't have given us eyes that can't detect danger because "it's too small", otherwise they would be useless.

You're right, covid doesn't exist so i don't know why you got vaxxed

A dead vaccinated person just flew over my house! They were secreting side effects all over the place!

2 more years and we'll not hear from the tards talking about 2 weeks

so I could use the vaccine passport to continue my social life.

I have an actual report on that today. My mother who only took the first two had a huge memory lapse of the days. And has been for the last few weeks. She forget today was Sunday even though she followed this pattern of her life with her job at the hospital for close to 30 years now. She even grew agitated at the fact until she pulled out her phone and begrudgingly agreed. This response and needing to check are completely new, as are these lapses in memory.

And then they call us subhumans

Two more years bro trust the plan

nigga your mom has alzheimers

>Social life is more important than life
Okay leaf. They are already announcing that elderly will get their 4th booster in autumn. You'll be next, by winter you'll get 5th

please try this with a visually undetectable amount of the AIDS virus, faggot


Shut it leaf cuck. Until the second jab she had an incredible memory. She could recite books she read 16 years ago verbatim (I checked the book as she was reciting to make sure) and could quote movies in her sleep. Literally sometimes. These sudden changes are absolutely out of character. She's also been getting sick more often.

Increase in small car crashes, lots of small stupid mistakes. Brain fog

you what
>if I cannot see it with the naked eye it cannot hurt me

Child abuse

What is the point of this thread? Are you angry that people got vaccinated, or are you angry that you didn't get vaccinated?
What's your game plan?

I've had two grandmothers with alzheimer's and that shit is textbook dementia. it really can start showing that abruptly, I'm not saying this to fuck with you or anything get her checked out.

so what I'll just get it, even if it doesn't work like you say covid can't hurt me, and neither can the vaccine.
doesn't exist, aids disease is caused by sex with people with dirty blood. Blood is big enough to see, so it can harm you. Notice how you can't inhale or swallow this invisibile AIDS.

Get mental help

Nice social life when you die!!

Could be a UTI

are you a plague doctor or some shit? gonna see if your four humours are balanced anytime soon?

yeah man, sorry to tell you but the people that get vaxxed are going to have a litany of chronic problems, neurological, cardiovascular, genetic, etc.

your job will be to care for her

pretty sure this idea of "self-removal from the genepool by stupid actions" requires you to see threats in order to avoid them. Otherwise how would you?
I'll die eventually, but if you mean cuz of the vaccine, it can't harm you, it's too small to see so it either doesn't exist or can't harm you.

>if you mean cuz of the vaccine, it can't harm you, it's too small to see so it either doesn't exist or can't harm you
what do you mean? the vaccine is a liquid in a bottle, of course you can see it

do you mean that it's a clear liquid and all clear liquids must be the same thing because you cannot see the molecules? as such molecules do not exist?

>Anthony Fauci, the leader of the mRNA spike agenda in the West, the US "corona Tzar", acknowledges the danger of a long-warning and acute spread of tuberculosis, even HIV, but contrary to top experts' warnings for more than a year, - Fauci gives blame to the war in Ukraine. Yes, you read that right!

Fauci said that there is no vaids, Ukraine is spreading those diseases and aids,, checkmate purebloods

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I was like that before even the wu tang flu was a thing, it's called beeing tired

That’s right.... the vaccine can’t harm you

Hahahahahaha never gunna take it!!!!!

As soon as heard the manufacturers demanded indefinite legal immunity for making the vaccine and doctors demanded immunity before administering it I was out.
If the vaccine was really "safe and effective" there would be no need to suspend the normal legal rights of citizens to redress

no I fully believe in germ theory, if those germs are big enough to see. I have pretty good eyesight but I understand some people have myopia or w.e.
you don't have to, I'm not your dad. I'm just explaining why I did it.

>get amazing prizes for FREE
>free HIV test
>roll 3 times to start from .46%
>pop 6 baloons to hit combos
>instant win bonus
>mild option checked
>it's working!

Attached: 6choices3times1bon1tst6pops1md.jpg (500x761, 72.28K)

8 billion people in the world
63% vaccinated
3% mortality rate in vaccine is 150 million dead people.
The vaccines just have to be a little bad to kill hundreds of millions

Just like fentanyle can't harm you. It's just a very small dosage

So you were either retarded before the vax or you're definitely retarded now I guess?

Well you’ll die stupidly, but oh well
Not my problem


holy friggin moly...
and you're telling me that this is gonna happen in just two more weeks?

trust me bro the vaccinated will start dropping in the streets any second now bro trust me it's gonna happen bro

the doctor gave me liquid fentanyl when I had surgery, I just went to sleep and woke up feeling fine. I know people die from it, but they're probably using some powder or something they can see.

DESU that describes me. Not vaxed but I had COVID pretty bad in November and I am aware I am not as sharp as I was pre-COVID. Forget stuff all the time, even people's names. And...I am losing my hair. Fuq me.

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My grandmother literally asks the same few questions several times. She can not form memories, it seems. Then again she is old, but jabbed.

>I'll die eventually, but if you mean cuz of the vaccine, it can't harm you, it's too small to see so it either doesn't exist or can't harm you.

Attached: 51192-dod-caught-in-major-scandal-us-military-caught-in-severe-data-manipulation-following-covid-reveal-no-way-revised-numbers-are-real.jpg (761x436, 39.78K)

trust me bro just 2 more weeks and we will all die from covid bro just trust me bro

They wanted to suppress the data for 75 years and some morons still think it's safe and effective

I explained my reasoning here.

That's unreasonable reasoning. You can't call that reasoning

The kid died actually

exactly what I'm getting at. this shit has been overblown by both sides from the start. only reason anti-vaxxers don't piss me off nearly as much as lockdown lovers is because at least anti-vaxxers didn't steal 2 years of my youth.

This thread has a huge amount of vaxx shills more than I have seen since the Ukraina shit.
>7 am in Tel Aviv