Russian basedboys mad that globohomo is leaving Mother Russia

Russian basedboys mad that globohomo is leaving Mother Russia
Should based Putler send them to the gulag?

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What do Russians think of him?

If globohomo keeps leaving Russia I may have to move there
Please take me bros I took a year of Russian in college

I hope this faggot gets swatted and goes to prison

The average salary in Russia is 12,000 USD

they will take you if you successfully capture kiev. good luck.

I was canceled. what do?

ello blazers no fuckers ere

Noooooooo I must consuuuuuume

I don't know what fox news told you but you wouldn't last a day.

Huge opportunity to start companies in Russia

get back into books I guess, you’re going to have a lot of time on your hands.

>yeas ago take DNA test
>"I better be not a dirty fucking Ukranian"
>DNA came back. result is he's 80% russian 10%Kazakh 5%finnish 5% others
>"Thank God. I couldn't live with myself if I was Ukrainian"
>fast forward today
>"booo hoo. I couldn't get paid." "my stored money is useless. no cash at ATMs"
>Ukraine war is bad. I couldn't get paid. we don't want this.

I bet he would support this war if the kikes didn't targeted his money.

fucking Hypocrite

Imagine this happened in the west.

>No... we can't coom and consoom netflix and marvel superheros anymore!! What will we do? This is the dark ages! We have to fight for our right to coom and waste our lives playing vidya games all day!

I hope our chinese friends will sell us Intel, AMD and Samsung chips. Don't care about other shit

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I hate this fucking faggot ever since he started supporting BLM while being so far away from this shit

Roman on suicide watch

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Did you even watch the video you monkey?

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I wish we got rid of all those things here in America

Finally touch grass for the first time in your life. Get a wife. Have kids. Read a book. Ect. This is for your own good Ivan.

>wanting to go to fucking Russia
do you honestly expect it to be better? because it absolutely isn't

Ohhhh no they can't COOONSOOOM anymore !