There’s a dangerous narrative brewing…

>US/NATO funding and funnelling weapons to Ukraine
>They ‘fall into the hands’ of Nazi militia (Azov)
>Region totally destabilized, Zelensky deposed
>Power vacuum created
>Nazi groups control certain regions
>Declared security/terrorist threat by media and governments
>Various hoaxes perpetrated (e.g., WMDs, torture)
>Excuse for the West and Russia to jointly crack down HARD on ‘far-right’ elements domestically
>everyone suspected of being politically to the right of shitlibism is jailed

This would be like what happened with ISIS in Syria, Al Qaeda after Saddam, and the Taliban after Afghanistan. If it’s ‘far-right Nazis’ declared terrorists this time around (which they effectively already have been), then they can crack down as hard as they please. It’ll be justified in the minds of shitlibs this time.

Will Any Forumsacks be hauled off to Guantanamo?

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>Excuse for the West and Russia to jointly crack down HARD on ‘far-right’ elements domestically
Why? They're often useful to the establishment.

>Will Any Forumsacks be hauled off to Guantanamo?
not unless that's where they're gonna start burying the dead. I won't get hauled off anywhere alive and I'll take as many as they send to bring me in with me.

When I say ‘far-right’ elements domestically, I’m referring to the groups routinely characterized as far-right, not necessarily organized white nationalist groups. I’m referring to those who are often characterized as Russian puppets.

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>West and Russia to jointly

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>I’m referring to those who are often characterized as Russian puppets.
That includes every smart Republican, as well as every anti-imperialist leftist who keeps up with geopolitical happenings

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Kek most of the policies that matter are shared by both countries.
>billionaires controlling politics
>foreign wars
>anti-nationalist propaganda
>COVID nonsense
Inb4 they don’t support faggotry in Russia.

Give it a decade.

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Yes, they’ll lump them in with all far-right elements considered security threats. If there’s an ostensibly far-right neo-Nazi government in regions of Ukraine, then there’ll be justification on both sides (Russia and the West) to crack down on their own domestic ‘far-right’ groups.

They want the region destabilized so rat "jews" can move in

Oldest trick in the book

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> Jews create actual Nazi movement for financial gain
> last time they did this it backfired horribly but did work in the short run
> somehow this is a bad thing.

Check your potassium levels.

Azov Battalion fights for their Jewish president.

So did Osama, you gotta think big picture my friend.

>>somehow this is a bad thing
The existence of Azov, Right Sector, and other nationalist groups is not a bad thing in and of itself. All I’m saying is that if the region is destabilized, and if Nazis end up controlling large chunks of Ukraine, prepare for the biggest domestic crackdown on so-called far-right politics you’ve ever seen.

Right now Russia is engaged in "denazification" and fighting actual Nazis. The Jews for mostly financial reasons are backing actual Nazis because they absolutely need Ukraine's market integration. There cannot be a crackdown if they are an essential force in creating a Ukrainian identity, that is why Ukraine needs to win.

The plan is to collapse the economy in all countries to justify a reset. I expect China to pull a Russia in Taiwan and Iran to attack Israel, all in a short period of time, which will be a short and deadly world war 3. These events would probably give rise to the anti-christ.

>There cannot be a crackdown if they are an essential force
Makes sense

>The plan is to collapse the economy in all countries to justify a reset
That seems to be the plan

Cyber pandemic incoming

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>Nazi Nazi Nazi Nazi
The only people pushing this angle are /leftypol/ and the far right oddly enough. It's painfully obvious that Any Forums is just redditors who got banned and were so assblasted they made their entire identity to be doing the opposite of whatever reddit does. If reddit decided they didn't like faggots, Any Forums would start sucking dick and taking up the ass out of sheer contrarianism.

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just saying the taliban were also an "essential force" when they were fighting the russians in the 80s, until they were no longer useful/needed. Then they were used as a vehicle to get the US to invade the entire middle east for Israel.

>irrelevant psychobabble
Anything else?

wait a second

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>United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition

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Who currently controls Afghanistan despite 20 years of western occupation?

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Stop thinking that Putin and Biden don't work for the same people.

to be an european world or not be

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>>Excuse for the West and Russia to jointly crack down HARD on ‘far-right’ elements domestically

I fully acknowledge that they do. Hence, it’s in their mutual interests to crack down on ‘far-right’ elements in their respective countries.

Afghanistan is also distinctly suited for defending a long term siege, nothing short of scorched earth and genocide was going to defeat them but by that time we were already being subjected to "islamophobia" globohomo propaganda. Don't expect far right whites to receive the same "naziphobia" protection from the MSM

this guy fucking gets it.

The spin is to assert that because Ukraine was run by Jews and Putin was deNazifing it, that Nazis no longer exist and it's antisemetic to assert otherwise.

That’s what happens when you’re not paid by RT

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Brilliant analysis. This is exactly their plan.

Thanks fren. I like to feel that my analysis is informed by my countless observations of (((globalist))) tricks over the years.

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