Putin activates Directive 51

Putin activates Directive 51

Russia is disconnecting itself from the internet on the 11th

Preparing for total war

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source faggot

If they don't nuke this shithole and Israel I'm going to be disappointed. If a bomb can be dropped on defenseless japs it can dropped on Jews and their supporters

eat shit you demoralized kike puppet, we aren't going to be the ones getting hit.

Keep dreaming Jew. Karma is coming for you and I'm willing to die to see that it does.

You can't cyber attack a country if they are not connected to the internet.

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Starlink Internet incoming?

Nor can jews I'm Russia rat Putin and the Russian military out

All of the good things our ancestors built into this country and you would just throw it all away, fuck you. A bunch of globohomo assholes fucking shit up today isn't a good enough reason to burn it all down when we already know it works amazingly.

in Russia
Typing on a phone is hard

>internet without asocial media

They are getting btfo in the cyberwarfare dept according to US think tanks.

They are doing so poorly the think tanks claim they have to alter their perceptions of Russian capabilities. Exact quote was something like: "They are a dangerous country because they have a bunch of weapons... And that's about it."

>and Israel
Good one.

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Lol you're a gigantic idiot or a shill
Not worth engaging with

>Execute Order 66

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and you're a demoralized kike puppet, fuck off

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Your tyrannical Empire deserves it, get fucked.

Starlink is not available in Russia

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If I was demoralized I would be you
Go suck more Jewish dick

Every country has it's own globohomo jews, even Germany was fucking exporting faggotry not long ago even!

Do you even make your own opinions or just regurgitate talking points?

Israel is not immune to attacks

Bruh, we're a kingdom of ashes even now. Anything from here on out just serves as pest eradication.

As long as there are white people left in the world, the fight is not over.

What other countries send billions to Israel every year
What other countries have invaded other countries on Israels behalf

>source: Nexta
yeah you should kill yourself OP
also you're a homosexual like jewlensky

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Of course not, but Iran is about the only country who gives a shit to do so

Damn. Then maybe they really will pair up with "the Chinese internet". Whatever the fuck that is.

didn't the US spend like the last 5 years screaming and seething about the UBER Russian Cyberwarfare???

Fully agreed. Has fuckall to do with the entity known as the United States though. We can rebuild, but first must come demolition.

The sky Jew has clouded a lot of peoples minds

Wow thats like a late birthday present
Go Putin, you rock.

Yeah I thought it was weird no big cyber thing has happened. I expected that shit to go down about two or three days after the war started, thought the Russians had the ability and the years of preparation to go nuts with this stuff. Then no, basically nothing, and the anonymous guys were actually screwing around with them instead.

Nuking Israel would be the best thing for world peace because it would end all of the fake and gay Abrahamic prophecies that have driven us this direction for centuries. Kikes and Christgolems would realize Jews are not actually God's Chosen and both of them would have to admit there is no Savior who is going to emerge out of a glowing crater.

They already know
Its all about control

I too am wondering exactly how my country benefits from being part of the globohomo. I guess we get more pajeets, higher tax, and lots of faggotry. Based!
But no. Wonder if I can teach English in Russia? Not right now, I'd give a year or two. Tough place to live mind.

>Putin is getting his shit kicked in by a homo comedian

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Traditional satellite internet might still be an option. Many European satellite internet providers can still reach Russia. Also they are the benefit of being able to use a standard satellite dish.

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