I hope that the current display of Polish posters on Any Forums has proven that they don't care about the future of...

I hope that the current display of Polish posters on Any Forums has proven that they don't care about the future of Europe.
What they only care about is owning the Russians, even if it comes at the cost of empowering the Jewmerican domination of the continent with all that implies, including but not limited to: Third world immigration, LGBT education, Jewish and nigger worship, anti-white brainwashing, and a long list of etceteras.
I like poles, I like how they themselves resist this trends an an internal level, but if that resistance is accompanied by an enabling of the empowerment of the powers that push for those things on the rest of the continent then they are forever traitors to Europe
This is your last wake up call to stop trusting and enabling the anglos and their american sons.
Throw your self towards the push for a new sobereign europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok free of jewish and anglo-american influence or face the 4th and final partitioning of Poland

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>inb4 hurr you're not white nor european. Why do you care?

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Damn I miss the prussian empire. Fucking slavs.

russia is hiv ridden shithole full of muslims and crime
you have proven you are a retard

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Zelensky is literally a jew. Those pics prove fucking nothing when the whole ZOG media is painting Putin as the new Hitler

italy isn't white boyo

The same people that say that also say that slavs aren't white, so...

based checked and bumped

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while putin is openly sayin he just want to denazify ukraine
just another jewish war for destruction and goyim suffering

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>Throw your self towards the push for a new sobereign europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok
Or maybe just let us grow rye and wheat in peace. Getting involved with the west only led to Poland getting crappier.

>saying an Italian isn't white
whats that thing they say about pots and kettles?

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I don't know cauldron.

Case and point

Based and historypilled

>Irish poster
>calling anyone butthurt
my sides

And media painted Poland as a nazi state just a year ago. Big fucking deal. But of course when Any Forums post the jewish psyop "Polish Death Camps" it's ok only saint Russia needs defending from the jews. We don't even have a Israeli diplomatic mission because of the chimpout in Israel surrounding us. Meanwhile Jewish president just visited Putin. Any Forums is full of jewish golems

Has Russia reactivated the water supply to Crimea yet?

>"I don't know"
Checks out, literally

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>one gigantic strawman from somebody from Argentina concerntrolling about le evil Poles

>And media painted Poland as a nazi state just a year ago
Yes. American controlled media. Proof that no matter how much you enable them, they will always throw you under the bus because them and their jewish masters hate ALL europeans

I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers, you subhuman piece of shit

shut up spic

I'm tired of fucking retards who claim putin's puppet would be better than Zelensky. We already have one fucktard at our eastern border called Lukashenko and we don't want to deal with another putin's cocksucker. That's why the Poles are mostly anti-russia shills. EOT

yeah expecting a sense humor from a mutt is wishful thinking.

>I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers
I don't plan t travel to america

They're going as far as going full I LOVE UKRAINE SLAVA UKELELE while pissing on the corpses of 100k+ corpses of their countrymen the Ukrainians slaughtered in the past, to own Russia and enable America further
They are willing slaves, probably because they've been without statehood for so long

Attached: Lipniki_massacre.jpg (700x509, 116.17K)

>Yes. American controlled media
No it was jewish media straight from Israel. They had a whole marketing campaign on youtube with literal advertisements calling us nazis. You will never see this amount of effort from Israel to discredit Russia or Putin. He can bomb jewish memorials and a Israel won't say anything. He's a protected jewish lapdog.

Why hasn't somebody assassinated Zelensky yet?

>I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers, you subhuman piece of shit
That's the national sport of your country

Israel and the US might as well be the same country at this point

Yeha man Putin and his mutt horde army are really showing the jews who the big boss is

i always knew poles were niggers, didn't need the recent events to figure it out
during the ethnical cleansing of whites after the haitian revolution, poles collaborated with the niggers and were thus given citizenship and were the only group to avoid persecution

Couldn't say it better brother.

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This but unironically

The jews have been openly screeching about the baby jar bombing, what are you talking about?


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>100k+ corpses of their countrymen the Ukrainians slaughtered in the past
I would smash your head with a curb. NATO's Ukraine is lesser evil than Russia's Ukraine from the polish point of view. The harm done by Ukraine is incomparable to what Russians did to us throughout centuries.

But you microwave water Tyrone Ramirez

Not for long if you keep enabling jewmericans

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I will make fucking your moms ass until it bleeds and rips a new memeflag

What's wrong with microwaving water? Much faster


>lesser evil
You are a slave in every way imaginable. Instead of having any self respect, you suck the dicks of those that slaughtered you like pigs, because they slaughtered a few less of you than the other guy did. Instead of standing on your own feet

Who is enabling them once again?
>this was real in my head

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>I will make fucking
The retard home should try to limit your computer access

Germany and Italy accepted US military presence at gunpoint. You did it willingly

>You are a slave in every way imaginable. Instead of having any self respect, you suck the dicks of those that slaughtered you like pigs, because they slaughtered a few less of you than the other guy did. Instead of standing on your own feet
You are truly a fucking idiot. There's no place for sentiments in politics. It is in the very best polish interest to weaken Russia as much as possible.

They still have gun pointed at them? Can tell to fuck off any time. Instead they come here and point fingers.

>Black hairs on fingers
You're just a pale Moroccan.

''White'' yellow skin mongrels

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>It is in the very best polish interest to weaken Russia as much as possible
Which requires augmenting US influence in europe which means the slow genocide by replacement of the native people of the continent
As I said, your butthurt towards russia will be the doom of europe

Catalonians are some of the brownest spaniards I've ever seen

They can't without suffering serious consequences. You always had the option of saying no, but I guess owning russia was more important, right?

>As I said, your butthurt towards russia will be the doom of europe
hahahaha fuck off cuck. Southern Italy is full of fucking niggers and moors and yet you dare to open your dirty whore of a mouth to say Europe is doomed because of polish butthurt? Neck yourself you pathetic faggot.