But it's all in net worth, it's not like he can spend any of it!!1

>But it's all in net worth, it's not like he can spend any of it!!1

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Hey OP. I'm ready to post my reply to your twitter screenshot OP. Before I do, and it'll just take a second, I have to really quickly check the early life section of...
oh my. What's this?

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do these people understand rich people will still have nice things no matter what they pay in taxes?

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Not my problem

>tax the rich
Liberal reformist cope. Either overthrow them or shut the fuck up.

What is a hot house?

Yah ....tax the rich so that Hillary gets that money instead of the people.

Taxing and confiscating everyones money @100% for the next decade would not even put a dent in the government crated debt and expanding money supply.

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el basado

What's Robert kikes net worth?

Yeah thats not an arguemtn though

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no but it makes it way worse

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Let's give politicians the right to steal because I'm a jealous cunt

I wonder what Jeff Bezos carbon footprint is ? Maybe Greta can help ?

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>tax the rich
How does giving the government more money fix anything

>I don't have enough money
>Covered in gold chains and riding on 200$ rims
We will tax the rich more when you stop smoking weed.

Yes. He sells part of his net worth, pays taxes, then buys stuff with it. What do you not understand about this?


>have 200 billion in net worth
>only able to spend less than 1% on your new house
>average person spends more than 100%
Poor Jef.

Taxing the rich is a scam forced by the very same elites in order to eliminate the competition.
>the richest of the rich lobby the gubermint to increase taxes on all of the rich
>owners of secondary corporations (midsize businesses, not the largest ones, but those that still compete with the giants on the market) fall into the "rich" category, but can't keep up with the tax increase so they go bankrupt
>the richest of the rich who own all the giants actually can afford to pay more tax
>midsize businesses disappear while the giants prevail
>the richest of the rich get even richer, despite initially losing money on more taxes
What, did you honestly think they're pushing the "tax the rich" narrative because they want to lose money?

>If you point out my communist midget commentator is jewish you must be a b-bootlicker

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>chart includes bailouts
Low IQ. Go starve to death nigger, your whining about taxation no longer matters when gas is 5 dollars a gallon.

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And yet you leftist faggots never tax the rich in any relevant capacity when you're elected but will gladly tax the middle class. Funny huh?

So what? It's his money not yours. Maybe you should start a competing company that will treat their employees better....oh wait that would actually be taking responsibility instead of being a jealous cunt. It's much easier to steal than take responsibility.

Being a kike literally is an argument feel free to fuck off back to leftynigger you underage commie fucktard.

>only poor people should pay taxes
all of you are cock suckers.
i don't see anyone advocating for getting rid of taxes all together but suddenly when your daddy billionaire needs to do it(which he obviously doesn't because rich people just pay their way into loopholes) it suddenly becomes a problem.
what a whole board of literal balls gobbling homos.

>i don't see anyone advocating for getting rid of taxes all together
You're lying.

What do you do in 3 hot houses?

US government spent ~270 MILLION DOLLARS PER DAY FOR 20 YEARS in the afghanistan war, now that is money.

Jeff Bezos mansion doesn't even cost 1 day of war.

Any fucking thing you want

how about DON'T TAX THE POOR?
Don't you believe in racism? DON'T TAX blacks
Don't you believe in feminism? DON'T TAX women

I bet this twat still buys lots of stuff from amazon. Hes approving this behavior by giving them his business.
I dont have an account with amazon and I dont buy from them.

So he's just mad he didn't have as nice of things.

robert reich is literally a foot shorter than toe rogan

>build successful business that everyone makes use of
>profit off that
what the fuck is the argument here

> Give all the money to politicians that can't balance a budget instead of me keeping it


The same things you do in 2 hot houses, but with 50% more room

Throwing around Any Forums buzzwords isn't an argument.
Why don't you want to tax the billionaires? Are you still so naive as to believe that you'll be one of them one day?

Nah. He's just running the script the left uses to keep its useful idiots poor.

Billionaires are already taxed you dumb fuck.

Sweat lodge...sauna.

Taxes don't go to the people they go to politicians. You're not helping those people you are helping assholes steal. If you want to make things better make them accountable to how much they spend instead of profiting from war.

If they were, they wouldn't be billionaires.

No it's because they are successful and you're not

Amazon provides incredible value to the world.
These faggot communists should be going after the jews printing the money, loaning out the 'free' money to you at interest.

I think it's a greenhouse, why would you need 3 saunas

You retards legitimately need to be culled.

>>But it's all in net worth, it's not like he can spend any of it!!1
people who say this don't understand how rich people manage their wealth. Rich people don't sell stock/assets to buy things, they would have to pay capital gains on that. Instead they take out loans which are tax free and keep all their money in stocks which grow faster than the interest on their loans anyway. So not only do they get to keep all their wealth while using it they pay ZERO taxes on the growth. Only middle class cucks pay taxes

>Be one of the only businesses not shit down during the pandemic.
>Receive billions in tax breaks and supplement your payroll with welfare

>Get on Any Forums to complain about money instead of doing research to invest

I think we found why he's unsuccessful

>former secretary of labor
>doesn't fucking realize how little $165million is fucking NOTHING in the scale of a company like amazon
in US alone he employs over 1 million people, thats US ALONE and amazon is fucking everywhere
$165M is fucking NOTHING to bezos, thats less than ONE THOUSANDTH of his networth


Im working on his house. Its sick AF

bu-but in 2030 he will own nothing right!?


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taxation is theft

>exploiting workers and avoiding paying taxes is successfull

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>Actually have a service people use
>Not successful

Look at the jealous cunt

>How dare this man spend his money! !!1
Raise the fuggin taxes then. What do you think this war is about? Deflection from focus on a stalled Democrat domestic policy.

Stop using Amazon then dipshit. I dont like them either the difference is that I'm not having several packages a day delivered I actually go to the store or if I have to get something online I use EBay.

>Reich was born to a Jewish family in Scranton, Pennsylvania

It's not exploiting if they agreed to do the work and a the risk falls on the business owners. The only thing stopping you from being successful is being a scared jealous cunt

The left fucked up when they allowed for automation and tech companies to generate wealth with minimal labor. Imagine telling Marx that in the future the factory wouldn’t even the workers to generate wealth lmao.

The guy made a website where you can purchase any product, cheaper than anywhere else and it’ll arrive at your doorstep the next day.

He deserves a fuck off house and a hot wife and infinite money.


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