You totally train child soldiers when you are winning right?

You totally train child soldiers when you are winning right?

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They've been doing this for a while now.

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Everyone knows Ukraine can't take Russia, fuck off. Go be a golemn for globohomo somewhere else.

who cares about the goyim children ?

They support Ukraine and want them to win, but nobody serious thinks they're winning.

I can see how this subtle difference might confuse a total fucking moron, though.

>international law
What are they going to do about it, call the manager?

Not sure why any ukranian would fight when thier "leader" fled the country after saying all men 18-60 had to stay and fight.

Tweets that have aged badly

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war criminals


I have always considered Democrats a special breed of stupid, especially since they supported the Clinton murderous regime


source: Uganda's leading independent daily.


Better dead than Putin's rape dungeon.

They're claiming it's only for self-defense so they're not soldiers, they're civilians protecting their home. In this age of moral relativism and words having whatever definition you want to them have, this is enough for them to get away with it.

wtf I love assault rifles now

>next article: russians killing children oh vey

keep in mind, zelensky could stop all this by surrendering, but he's a kike and wants to see ukrainians suffer

But it's ok because it's the poor ukrainians against le chud ruskies

white privilege right there.

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it's not even past tense because it's still many of the same people and this same shit would have happened if the dumb bitch got "her turn" to continue what she started. and they still love her. or at least a lot of media and fake accounts do.

Kids and women fight while males flee like brave nationalists

Mental gymnastics

>what is rotc in the states
keep me posted, retard

civilian with weapon aren't civilian neither soldier, they are going to be raped by Russian officers.

they’re not stupid they’re evil. they compartmentalize their flawed logic to suit their current situation. manipulation is their primary method and they attack emotions, especially those of women and inferior races

They actually call it hitler youth (look at shirts) for the kids in the photo.

War crimes are only war crimes if they are done by America's enemies.

This is why I celebrate when a democrat is shot or murdered, they deserve it.

How the fuck a country that is next to Russia doesn't have a real army?

most first world countries taught kids how to safely and effectively use guns to defend their homes until about the 70s.

Nobody responded with the actual reason

>training =/= recruitment and use

That being said the language is funny Peasent, you are farm equipment.

Of course

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I mean the first think I would do is teach my children how to use a firearm to defend themself in the absolute worst case scenario. Good on them.

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All funded & sponsored by CIA/NED/RFE.

Kill them, Putin, kill them all.

Irrelevant distinction, no male can leave ukraine and they are all automatically recruited as fighters the moment they have a weapon in hand, as per call made by their president.

They're fucking desperate.

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