I am not sure what to do

So I am from the third world but I grew up in the UK and I really resent being here. On a regular basis in school, I had 'Allah Akbar 'shouted at me and was bullied relentlessly. Even now I get random people calling me a Paki despite not being a Pakistani. I intend to move back to my home country, but the problem is that a data science position pays around 1/5 what it pays in the UK. I'm thinking about moving to the land of opportunity to build some wealth and then try and open a business in my home country. What do you think?

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Going to the US? What do you mean by “land of opportunity”?

Yes the US

Go home to get a tradwife, but you probably don't want to live in Pakistan.

Go back to your own shitskin country, start a company in what ever you do and become someone shitskins can aspire to be. Why you fuckheads always want to run away to somewhere you can make more money, instead of improving your own country? Youre not even loyal to the country that took care of you while your own couldnt. Whats your problem?

Fuck off back to Pakistan

Again I'm not Pakistani. Although I will probably marry someone from my disapora.
But the pay is 5 times left. It's not a liveable salary. What am I supposed to do work in a factory? I am not getting a masters degree in CS to work in a fucking factory
Again not pakistani.

Also thats somewhat ironic considering a pretty sizeable Dutch minority has immigrated to the US for precisely these reasons.

>But the pay is 5 times less
What are living costs like? - food, electricity, fuel etc.

To live a decent life they are comparable to the UK. I certainly wouldn't be caught dead in a flat in my home country, far too expensive. There are very few as most people live with their parents until they get married.

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

You need to go back to your homeland.

But what about the extraordinary amount of money I will lose?

Go back to Pakistan

Kill yourself or walk home you dirty paki

Not a Pakistani, but on the broader more important note, what about the fact that I will make 20% of my salary otherwise.

Post Paki boobs

Go back home and humble yourself. Return to Pakistan.

Get out of Europe you parasite. Go to Mexico and then cross the border to muttland, sleepy Joe will take you in.

I have to say I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of any new points being mentioned. I suppose my plan will definitely remain in place. Thanks

You can't roll with banter. You were never ment to go there. You grew up in the UK but let jokes eat away at you. That's why you need to go back. You do not fit in the UK culture. If you go to America, they will eat you alive.

You cling to "I won't make the same money back home" like your soul should come with a price tag. Go back and meditate. Your energy is low frequency.

This kek

Get the fuck out you Paki bastard.

how many goats and sheep have you raped this year?

Feel free to fuck off then. We resent having you here too. None of us asked for you, blame your parents, if you know who they are.

The global economy is going to shit, just do crime

Mate. Work here for a bit, achieve the bag, while slowly building up an estate in wherever you're from. Then at like 30 just go, and you can probably just grift off the money you made and be considered "rich".