What are the political implications of balding?

What are the political implications of balding?

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Dramatical increase your power.
Would you rather have power of Putin or Trudeau?

>p*tin = ruins his country for decades in a single week
>trudy = does stupid shit but will take decades to ruin his country
you should've picked better example of a baldy

Being perceived as angry manlet vs. every woman on the planet wanting to fuck your brains out?
I don't know user, a hard choice.

it really is a turning point, once you bald up you are locked in, you can't go back from the ideology you were in when in at the time. Wether its incredibly based or cucked you just kind of specialize in that for the rest of your life.

I wouldn't know, I inherited top-notch hair integrity and density.

Just shave it, you look better. I still pick up 25 year olds. Women are weird.

i think i will end up being a hat guy if i go bald

>Just shave it, you look better. I still pick up 25 year olds. Women are weird.
Yeah just remember every black guy is bald lmao

Baldies are genetic failures.

Samson lost his powers because of his hairs being cut.

Just keep it, you look like shit. Sure it looks like the effects of chemo but at least you won't be like them blacks haha!

Is that better memeflag?

Switch to a high protein carnivore diet.

My hair and skin has been reverse-aging since I did that.

They're both dictators.

>I make all my decisions based on the approval of women
The absolute state of the Polish

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Yeah but one of them isn't a niggerfaggot

Only faggots and women care.

>shave arms and legs
>shave back and chest
>collect it
>use pic related
Its not hard retards

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If you’re shaving it, you are coping. The chad embrace is the only way forward.

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a tranny made this image in some gossip forum
that is all you have to know about the types of niggers that repost this shit

It means you’re to ignorant to make an MMS spray bottle for 75 cents and grow your hair back.

not only that but's it's not balding. it's just a mature hairline which means you still keep the hair on the top and in the back unlike balding where you lose all 3.