Attached: Germany vs Russia.jpg (1080x1477, 430.57K)


>You're the Nazi!!!!
>Nuh-uh you're the Nazi!!!
>I bet I love Jews more than you!
>WHAT?!!!???!!? I love Jews more than anyone else!!!!
At this point it's best for the world if we just let the nukes fly.

>South Africa
>a desirable ally
Pick one.

Based south African blacks are anti globohomo and together we will win this fight. They are more Christian and traditions than any of these western devils.

they are niggers mate.

twitter should shutdown

>who loves jews more championship

I can't imagine anyone knowing less about the Nazi's then Germany considering they burned all their books on them and banned any discussion about them.

More based and anti globohomo than your shithole.
You'd be better off under Russia or minimum Austria

>writes like a retarded teenage girl
yeah, I sure am going to take the advice from whatever retard wrote that to heart

>People throwing around Nazi like they know what it means.

baka famalamadingdong.

Experts at being Nazis? Based admission.

He won't understand until he has to put up with niggers himself. Nigger fatigue is real.

>a lot of letters
I recieved a shitton loveletters from putin himself. Prove me wrong nigger.

Popping off a civil war in south Africa would be so easy.

Leave it to the christkike to side with the niggers.

Attached: retardfight.jpg (1280x1181, 240.25K)

Attached: 1637417749360.png (1352x1488, 381.38K)

Attached: nazi.jpg (700x682, 191.15K)

Hmm... should we be listening to nazi experts? Maybe nazis are bad and nazis who are experts at being nazis are even worse!

Destroy Jewkraine

Why don't you go fuck your mom